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Date part 2/I...

(Normal pov)

As they finished eating their food, they got up and binned the left overs. Making their way back to the beach something caught Amy's eye. It was a pink half of a heart, that was also a necklace. The heart had a black word on it 'Love'.

She didn't see anyone around and picked it up, she also didn't notice that at the other side of the necklace it had a black and red rose.

She quickly caught up to the rest of her friends, who were only a couple of steps ahead. She put the necklace around her neck. As she did, the half of the heart gives out a small spark.


They all made their way back to the beach, and went for a swim. Having great time in the water, the girls go on the towels to relax. While the boys have a game of netball 1 vs 1.

After an hour the boys join the girls, they sit down beside them. The sun slowly going down. Soon there would be a lovely sunset, that would set over the water. As if it's going for a dive, in the chilly water.

Amy, Rouge, Knuckles and Shadow sit down and watch the sunset. Knuckles having his arm around Rouge, and Shadow having his arm around Amy.


Shadow was taking Amy home now, she let him stay over night. As she wanted to watch a movie with him. The two hedgehogs sat on the red sofa and started watching a movie.

When the movie finished, Amy was putting the plates away. Before the movie started she took some snacks for them to enjoy. When she returned, Shadow asked her a question.

"What's that necklace around your neck?" he said, pointing to it as Amy sat beside him.

She sat side ways to him before answering, " I found it on our way to the beach, before we went into water"

He smiled, he pulled something from beneath his top. Which looked like the other half. He took his half, while Amy took hers and they put it together.

Shadows half was black with pink writing 'Forever'. While the back had a pink and red rose. As the two necklaces got connected a spark came out.

"I love you, Shadow" Amy said, Shadow looked up at her, his eyes wide. Amy quickly covered her mouth, she had no idea why she said it.

Amy was about to say something but was cut of by Shadow kiss. He put his lips on hers, coming closer to her. She started to return the kiss. Shadow licked Amy's bottom lip, asking her permission to enter and she let him.

When they stopped, they looked into each other's eyes. "I love you too Amy" Shadow said to her. Giving her a quick kiss.

The End...or not. Gotta stick around to find out!

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