Next Door

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Wade leaned on the counter his head falling off his hand as he continued to doze off. He shot up hearing the little bell from the door ring.
"Oh it's just you, Stark." Wade leaned back on his hand watching the man walk up to the counter.
"Nice to see you too, Wade." Tony rolled his eyes while leaning on the counter also.
"So...wheres my order?" Tony asked as the man in front of him almost fell asleep. Wade walked into the back of his shop finding what he needed. Walking back to Tony, Wade set down a large vase filled with a beautiful assortment of flowers.
"Wow Wade, I'd hate to admit it but you really out did yourself this time." Tony stated examining the piece in front of him.
"Yeah yeah. So how bad did you fuck up this time?" Wade asked smirking to himself.
"Ha ha funny Wilson, Steve hasn't yelled at me once this week." Tony responded annoyed by the smartass.
"Uh huh, just pay me already it's not like I won't get the chance to annoy you in like two days." Wade held out his hand where Tony placed some cash. Tony picked up the vase carefully exiting the shop. Wade went back to being bored on such a slow business day. He yawned needing caffine in his system. He grabbed his hoodie before locking up his little shop and heading to a coffee stop down the street. Before Wade could get very far he froze in place seeing a moving truck and large men carrying boxs and other things into the vacant shop next to his. Wade sighed and rolled his eyes before moving on. He grabed his caffine and went back to his work filling new orders and just making some new displays. As the day came to an end he locked up shop and went up stairs to his living quarters where he passed out on his couch as some romantic comedy played on the T.V. He groaned as the sun peered through his curtains waking him up. He rolled off the couch, he got dressed and went downstairs opening his door to let customers in. He filled their orders quickly. After a busy morning things began to slow freeing up his afternoon. He remembered the moving truck and decided to go poke around his new neighbor. He made his way to the new shop seeing a closed sign in the window. Wade wasn't going to let that stop him as he pushed open the door and walked inside. Wade wasn't expecting what he saw, posters of drawing and pictures of tattoos hung on the wall the light bouncing off the colorful pieces. There was a neat little waiting area near the front as benches and chairs stood scattered in the back. A girl stepped from the back of the shop seeing the man who poked around at things.
"Uh excuse me sir we aren't open." She called making Wade notice her. He put on a sly smirk walking over to her.
"I saw that, but I'm your neighbor thought I'd stop in and say hi." Wade stated a cooly as he could.
"Hm? Oh I'm not your new neighbor I'm just an employee helping set up things." She smiled it seemed almost odd on her face.
"Oh" Wade sunk back.
"Uh yeah Peter left a little bit ago he needed to grab some things but I'm not sure when he'll be back." Wade wanted to groan as the girl explained. Trying to picture the guy in his mind all he could vision was large, over musular asshole who was going to annoy the shit out of him.
"Hm" Wade hummed his eye being caught by a picture on the wall the girl noticed Wades distraction.
"Oh! Peter did that piece he's really awesome at what he does." She explained feeling a bit awkward.
"I guess.... any way I gotta get back to work so catch ya later home slice." Wade shot finger guns at the girl before taking his leave and going back to his own shop. It was ten minutes till closing time. Wade was debating on calling it a day early when someone walked in the door.  Looking to the person his mouth dropped open as the angel looking being that walked toward him. He was smaller then Wade and was littered with tattoos and had a few piercings which just made the seemingly adorable boy extremly hot to Wade. Wade smirked as the boy seemed destracted and in aw at the flowers around his shop.
"Hm what can I do for you?" Wade asked catching the others attention.
"Oh uh h-hi I'm I'm Peter your new new neighbor." Peter stuttered out shy in front of the man. Wades mind exploded seeing how wrong he was.
"Oh you're Peter, didn't expect you to be this cute." Wade chuckled to himself as a dark shade of red spread across Peters face.
"Uh I uh...." Peter stuttered becoming flustered. Wade smirked holding up a finger before walking to the back. He walked back to the front glad to still see the hot mess in front of him. Wade handed him a rose that was red and blue with black edges freshly dyed that morning. Peter face grew even redder at the gesture only making Wades smirk worse. Peter looked at the tag on stem reading the words before rushing out of the shop without another word.

How about you give me a call so you can show me all of your hidden tattoos;)

Im sorry....really I don,t even kniw what this is. But i hope you enhoyed it and please don't forget to comment and suggest.

Here have a flower🌼🌺

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