Mixed Signal

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Peter Parker wants a boyfriend. More specifically he wants that boyfriend to be Wade Wilson.

Wade Wilson also wants a boyfriend. No surprise he wants that person to be Peter parker. Theres only one slight problem.

"Shit!" Peter watched as a criminal shoved Wade over the ledge of the roof. Webbing the asshole to the roof Peter rushed to the ledge shooting a web clinging to Wades back mid fall. Peters feet stuck to the ledge beginning to pull up the anti hero. Peter fell to the ground in a huff as Wade was over the edge.

"Jesus." Peter huffed sitting up.

"My hero! I could just kiss you!" Wade gushed teasing the younger male. Wade realesed a chuckle at his own joke making Peter bite his lip and pout.


"Wade!" Peter screeched as a hand grabbed his ass.

"What? It's just so perfect i cant resist." Wade responded, taking a minute to appreciate gods work.

"I hate you." Peter grumbled crouching on the ledge of a building.

"Yeah yeah yeah. You'll kill me if i do it again yet ill do it again in like an hour." Wade responded standing next to the hero. Before said hero could respond however.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Wade lept off the building.

"God damnit."


"Fuck." Peter groaned to himself. Out of no where the merc with a mouth appeared.

"What's up baby boy?" Wade asked taking a seat next to the hero. Peter peeled off his mask letting out a deep sigh.

"Relationship problems." Peter mumbled in response not exactly thrilled with the sudden company.

"What cant decide which girl you want to date?" Wade asked chuckling. Peter laughed his chest tightening as he wished he could just take his chance.

"Something like that." Peter responded. Wade looked at the hero worry in his eyes a he listened to the pained laugh.

"Okay then"


"Oh my god I could just kiss you!" Wade cheered as his crush tossed him a bag of mexican food.

Dooooo it! Peter thought just nodding in response as he ate his own food.

"But alas you would just push me away... I will get you my good sir just you wait." Wade added on noticing the uncomfortable shift the hero made at his joke.

You do not know me well then Wilson


A loud bang rattled in the alley. Before the hero could turn around a thud soon follwed the gun shot. Turning around Peter was met with a guy with a katana in his chest and Wade on the ground.

"Baby boy..."Wade coughed his arm reaching for Peter. Peter knelt beside the anti hero rolling his eyes and ready to scold him for killing someone.

"I see the light. Before i follow it you must know how much i love you and how much i love your ass." Wade rolled up his mask gasping for air.

"Wade your not dying and i know youre not dying." Peter located the bullet in Wades chest

"How dare you! Here i am bleeding out, confessing my lo-" Wades sentence was cut short as a pair of soft lips met his own. It took him a minute to process what was happening but he was all to happy to return the action. Pulling away for air Wade franticly searched the heros face for regret.

"God you don't know how long ive wanted to do that." Peter informed a slight red forming on his cheeks as he realised what he had done.

"Ha you're telling me. Im the one who tells you what i want to do to you all the time!"

Hope you've enjoyed this was suggested by i hope this is what you wanted i wasnt sure...it also took forever which im sorry for.

Anywho Dandere has put some pretty awful infinity war based one shot in my head... like really fucked up ones so if yall have any intrest in that let me know!

But hope you enjoyed don't forget to comment and suggest.

? Of the day?
Ive fallen into a hole and cant pick and this may effect my shots with super family (or i can do bith if people wish ) but for superfamily what is it

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