Nightmare 2

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Peter felt numb he had for a while. He was smart but he was blind to the fact he couldn't get out of his situation. He painted the illusion for every one else as he did for himself. His dads were always gone and he couldn't get himself to talk to his friends so he put on the fake face and pushed on when he wasn't alone. Makeup came in handy for Peter he even would say he has gotten pretty good at it.

Pushing himself to the shared room Peter collapsed on the bed his cheek still stung while his arm burned. Nothing a band aid couldn't fix right? Closing his eyes letting he let
the darkness consume him. Letting his mind wander only hearing the talking of the T.V. and muttered curses from his "soulmate". Peter felt cold and alone reaching over to the empty side of the bed. Loud crashing came from the living room making Peter groan figuring he would have to pick up glass from a shattered beer bottle again till he heard multiple voices. Curiosity filled the young male as he tread towards the door. He knew Tanners voice but not the other male. To his luck the door had been left open a little bit letting him look out into the room.

"Boss is tired of waiting fuck wad..." Peter studied the man who was covered in a read suit that played with a gun in his hand. His eyes focused back to Tanner who seemed to be begging.

"Please just a little more time I've almost got all the money. I I can sell my boyfriends to the gays down the street ill have the rest of it tonight I swear." Peters heart sunk to the pit of his stomach. He realized the things that Tanner did to him were wrong but still this was a new low and Peter knew it. The strange mans face shifted into what seemed angry.

"Hey douche bag you're to late. I was paid to do my job and it's gonna get done." Peters heart began to beat out of his chest as he watched the man raise the gun in his hand. Tanner scrambled to get away but wasn't fast enough. Peter wanted to push out and stop the man but he was frozen still. A loud gun shot rang in Peters ears followed by a yelp. He fell back into the bedroom his feet grazing the door.

"What the fuck?" Heavy footsteps made there way towards Peter. Tears brimmed his eyes terrified of what came next. Slowly the door swung open revealing the man in the suit. Tears poured over the brim of Peters eyes his body violently shaking.

"Woah. Woah. Woah." The man studied the young male that was on the floor.

Wade thought for a second before kneeling down in front of the guy.

"Hey I'm not going to hurt you; I had my job and I'm done with that you don't need to be so afraid." Wades voice was gentle and soothing he felt like he was trying to speak to a scared puppy. Normally Wade would have been gone already but this situation seemed a little different.The other male seemed to relax a bit tears still falling from his eyes.

"Did did you kill h him?" His voice was quite and shaky. Before responding Wade heard the slam of a door. Standing up he looked into the rest of the apartment seeing a trail of blood leading out of the apartment. Heaving a sigh he turned back to the other.

"Nah just shot his arm; I should have though get rid of a piece of scum on the earth."Wade huffed. "Let me guess your his boyfriend?" Peter looked to the other confused.

"Uh y yeah why does it it matter?" Peter asked trying to stand up. Wade rushed to his side helping the boy to his feet. Once up Peter wrapped his arms around himself looking to the ground.

"Mostly because you need to find someone better then that douche." Wade answered checking out the other. The sweater wrapped around Peters small frame covering most of the damage done to him, but Wade noticed the bruises and cuts that inched their way out of his collar. Something inside of Wade awoke anger filling him. Wade delt and didn't give to fucks about a lot of things but abuse was sure as hell not one of them; he remembered his own experience in his toxic relationships.

"He's not a douche he loves me!" Peter grew defensive while the random man talked.

"He was gonna sell you to some pervs to get a few bucks!" Wade was now growing angry.

"You also had a gun pointed at him; he just said it so you would leave he wouldn't do that to me!" Peter wanted this man to leave, he wanted to climb in bed again and act like nothing happened till he had to clean blood off the floor.

"Fuck yes he would have you just can't see it!"Wade took a step closer trying to reach out to the boy. Peter just moved away staring down the man.

"I don't know who the hell you are but I think you should leave. You said it yourself you finished your job nothing is left for you here." Peter turned away waiting for the man to leave. Wade stared at the back of the boys head. Grunting he turned and left the boy alone.

Hope yall enjoyed dont forget to comment and suggest.


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