"Oh Shit!" moment

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I yawned, stretching as I sat up realizing I was in my bed. When did I go to bed? What happened last night? I got up and shook out my hair, walking to the joined bathroom to turn on the shower. Once it was warm enough I flipped the tap and went to get a towel and a cloth. I walked back to my room humming softly before it turned into a soft sing of Titanium. I smiled as I stripped and hopped in the shower.

Once I was out, which was a little while later since I let the warm water hit my back for the longest time, I slipped my towel around me and went to the mirror. I was looking at my eyes went I noticed a mark on my neck. I thought it was the fog on the mirror so I wiped it, then it came a clear vision, a mark. I swallowed hard as I was swarmed with memories of the closet, the husky breaths, the touches of lips, swift moments. I started to hyperventilate and I soon fell on the floor. My brother, Carson was instantly in the room. "Lia,...breath!" He said smoothly but I could easily hear the nervous panick in his voice. "BEA!" He shouted as my other brother appeared in the door frame.

"What?" he asked.

"She's having an attack." Carson explained. 

"Are you sure it's not an orgasm?" bea laughed. 

Carson glared before he smacked Bea in the back of the head. "Get her inhaler!"

Bea got up and ran around her room. "Where is it!?" he called.

"Check her purse!" Carson growled to his brother. "and hurry!" 

"I am not going in there!" Bea called, staring at it. 

"Dump it on her bed!"  

Bea did just that, he dumped it on the bed as everything fell out, including my inhaler. Bea grabbed it and tossed it to Carson who shook it, placed it to my lips and pressed the button.

I gasped as I took the air in, I muttered a thanks and I rolled to my side. Carson tossed Bea the inhaler and he placed it on the bed.

"Are you alright?" Carson asked. I nodded not really wanting to say anything.

"Yes I'm fine, just a little dizzy but I'm fine." am I kidding!? I have a mark on my neck and it's not even from my mate!? How if that fine!? I watched as he nodded and helped me to my feet.

"Okay, so get dressed and come downstairs, Bea and I will make you some food." he said.

They both smiled walking to the door before Bea looked back. "Seems you found your mate," he said smiling. "Proud of you."  He vanished through the door, closing it behind him.

I groaned slightly. shit...I thought before I ran to my closet and grabbed a pair of pants and a plaid top. I put it on then my boots before I looked in the mirror. The mark was clearly visible. Dammit! I walked over to my coat hook and grabbed my scarf, it was black so it was easy to cover it.

To humans it will a tattoo, to any supernatural being...it's a mark. A mark claims one self to the person who had given it. So I was claimed by Nate...this wasn't good.

I brushed my hair then shook it out, it was extra coverage of the mark, thank my long hair.

I came downstairs to see Carson and Bea chatting up a storm.

"Miss Amelia, would you care for one of your favorite chocolate chip, blueberry muffins?" Bea asked.

"Chocolate chip, blueberry?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Isn't it obvious? YES!" I said as he tossed me one. People say muffins are just ugly cupcakes, well I only link the icing off them, so I guess they're the ugly ones. I chuckled to myself as I took off the top and ate the bottom first. I was not weird....wait yes I was.

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