from bad to worst

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Oh I was royally screwed. Not only was I marked, I was marked by my best friend, and my mate knew about it. I do not know how I could keep my cool, since I should be panicking.
I was actually just laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. so I guess in a way I was sulking.
"Lia!!" the door swung open and Carson walked in. "Time to get ready"

I rolled over onto my stomach and groaned. "Its Sunday, what do I have to get ready for?"

"We are helping the knew neighbors move in." he said opening my curtains.

I instantly sat up and looked at him. "New neighbors?"

He nodded. We had new neighbors? When was I suppose to hear about this...I stretched before I slipped out of bed, walking over to Carson and pushed him slightly. "Get out and I will." I demanded though it just made him laugh.

"Yes, Lia" he teased before walking out of the room.

Once I was dressed and ready i walked down stairs and the door was open and Bea was standing there smiling. "'Bout time you get down here," he mocked before signaling me out. I followed him across the street where a moving truck was parked and Carson was helping a man carry in a couch.

I ran over and took a box i followed Carson before I bumped into someone. The box fell out of my hands and I jerked to catch it, another pair of hands did as well.
I looked up, my hands gently holding the one side of the box while someone held the other. My eyes caught the gaze of golden eyes. Nate. My face instantly when red when I saw him. He was the new neighbors? Couldn't be, could he?
"Amy?" He said softly, making my stomach turn and heart race.
"Yeah...hi Nate..."

He smiled at me, it was a kind smile but yes a smile. "I didn't think you'd help, I'd thought you'd be out with Kelly or....Kane."

I shook my head, a soft smile growing on my face. "No, Sundays are relax days, Carson told me we had new neighbors today."

Nate nodded. "Yeah, my parents, sister, and I are moving in." he purred. "So guess who's coming back to school..." he said softly, my smile grew and I laughed.

"That's great news!" it really was great news I got my older life back. My best friend home and he could go to school with me. The only thing, was to tell him...about the mark.

I opened my mouth to say something but he slipped the box from my grasp and placed it inside. He walked out, still smiling as he took my hand and began to led me off. I stopped, he instantly looked back to me and frowned. "Bubbles?" he said softly before I guided him to my house, letting him inside before I closed the door behind us. He smiled, looking around before turning to me. "So are we just gon-"

"You marked me!" I said bluntly to him. He stood there, frozen in almost shock. I could sense the worry on his face.

"What?" He asked, as if I didn't speak clearly or he just didn't hear me. I swallowed hard, knowing it was hard enough to say it the first time. I took a breath and began again.

"You marked me, Nate." I could hear my heart racing, the heavy pumping against my ears. I felt like I could just collapse. staring up at him in almost awe.

"Where? How? When?" He continuously asked. I felt my body shaking slightly, my head swarming as I began to see the patterns and the moments it happened, and how my brothers saw, and Kane knew, what could he do to Nate. I was scared.

"The night of the party, in the closet." I mumbled. "You marked me then" I finished before I moved my hair and showed him where the mark was. His eyes widened slightly before he took a step towards me, nearly inches away before he brought a hand up and gently brushed his fingers against it. A wave of pleasure swept over me and I moaned loudly, arching to his touch. I heard him grunt and I knew he felt the same when he touched it. My eyes closed slightly before they opened moments later and I found myself in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Amy. I didn't mean to." he whispered against my ear. I shook my head. I didn't want him to apologize. It wasn't his fault, it must of been true what Carson said, about it being drugged. Cause I couldn't have feelings like that for Nate...could i?

After a while we soon found the couch and we were watching a movie, warm bodies. I had to admit, it was one of my favorites. I was nuzzled into Nate who was laying under me, this was always our movie position as kids and it kind of stayed like that. He gently streaked my back which instantly calmed my beast, and I rumbled in pure relaxation. My eyes fluttered and I dozed off.

I felt the comfort change, and I went from warming feeling to a cold mushing surrounding. "Nate..?" I mumbled though my eyes were still closed.

"Yeah bubbles?" He replied. I smiled, he was still there, he didn't leave. Thank god. I stretched my arm out to feel him, I needed to feel him close, the heat gone was making me freezing.

"Please stay..." I mumbled.

There was a sigh before a whisk of air, it was freezing. "Nate..?" I called out. No answer. "Nathan?" Nothing. I curled up on my side as I made a small whine, all of a sudden a patch of heat was near me and I stiffened. "Nate?"

"I'm right here, Bubbles, I needed to grab some stuff and came back." He whispered. There was some movement but I didn't bother to open my eyes. The bed then moved, signaling he was beside me. I turned and nuzzled against him, feeling his chest and I knew he was shirtless and in pj pants only. I hugged him, feeling his heart pick up a bit made me smile, his breath steady and calm as I laid my head on him.

His hand moved to wrap around me, as that happened I nuzzled closer to him. I felt my urges fighting control and I opened my eyes to look up at him, my eyes dark. He swallowed and stared at me, his golden, stunning eyes wide.

I leaned closer to him, gently pressing my lips to his. I heard him groan against my lips, his hand gently slipping into my hair as I pressed myself closer. My lips slipped from his to his neck and I attacked him hungrily. "Amy" He said with a husky tone as he grasped my back.

My eyes snapped to him and I smiled, moving to brush my nose against his, his scent. The scent of the wood, the dirt. It drove me wild. My smile just widened before I kissed his Jaw.
Before I knew it i was pinned to the bed with Nate staring down at me with dark, lustful eyes.

...time to play...

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