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I laid in bed watching tv as I waited for Angelo to come home. I got home from LA a few hours ago. Angelo had to leave LA on Friday to meet his team in Kansas for their game that was on Saturday.

I glanced down at the big rock on my finger and smiled. Being engaged was a great feeling. I already picked out a venue for our wedding. We decided to have it in Las Vegas. We also decided to get married when the baby is about a year old. That gives us a year and a few of months to plan out the whole thing.

I was a little upset because I always thought Bella was going to be my maid of honor at my wedding, but we haven't talked in three months. I miss my best friend dearly and it hurts that we're not on speaking terms.

Due to me being caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize that Angelo was home until he walked into the bedroom.

"Congratulations on the win." I said as he approached me.

Angelo kissed my lips and rubbed my belly. "Thank you." He took off his shoes and placed his bag down. "I missed you, baby."

I blushed. "I missed you too."

"Steve and Adonis are coming over tonight with their girls. You finally get to meet Steve's girlfriend." He said.

I raised an eyebrow. "You met her already?"

"Just over the phone. She's nice. You'll like her." He got in the bed with me. "I've noticed since you've been pregnant, you've gotten mean."

"I'm not mean." I told him.

"Whatever you say." He said. "You think you can make those macaroni balls for us?"

"I'm mean, remember?"

Angelo laughed. "Don't be like that."

I began to feel our son moving in my belly. I grabbed Angelo's hand and placed it on my belly so I could feel for himself. The movements were faint, but they were there.

"You feel him?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's crazy." Angelo went down and kissed my belly. "Damn, we're really having a child."

I laughed. "I know. It felt like yesterday when we were two love birds in college."

Angelo smiled. "Those were the days."

"When you left LA on Friday, I started thinking about names and I think I know what we can name Baby." I said.

"And what's that?" Angelo asked.

"Machai Elias." I said.

Angelo shook his head. "I don't like it. Switch it."

"Elias Machai?"

"Yeah, that's better. Do you know what those names mean?" He said. I shook my head. "Elias means Jehovah is God and Machai means Son of God."

I smiled. "How do you know that?"

"When my brother and I were younger, we would stay with our grandma for the summer and she would have us studying everything—from math to religions." He told me.

"That's amazing. No wonder you always got straight As in college."

Angelo laughed. "So, do you agree on switching the name?"

I nodded. "Yes, I agree."


"Damn you got big." Steven said as he entered the kitchen.

I smiled. "Hey, Steve. Long time, no see."

"Yeah, I've been tied up." He said as he placed his arm around the female next to him. She was brown skin, heavy set, and beautiful (picture her as Lizzo). "This is my girl, Jai. Jai, this is Nicole."

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