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I pumped my gas as I constantly glanced at Elias through the window who was asleep in his car seat. I was tired, but I needed to keep going until I was out of the state of Texas.

After looking through Angelo's phone, I found text messages between him and Allison. They've been hooking up for the past six months and the meeting Angelo supposedly had was actually with her.

My heart was broken. I gave this man my virginity, a son, and permission to marry me. He has done nothing but cause me pain and misery. I don't deserve this.

As for Allison, she was supposed to be my friend. If she wasn't doing my hair then we were hanging out or communicating with each other through social media. She was at my baby shower and I even asked her to be one of my bridesmaids. I was looking stupid all along.

I finished pumping my gas and got back into my car. My phone began to ring in the cup holder. I looked down and saw that it was Jai calling me. I hesitantly answered the phone.


"Nicole! Where are you?!" She shouted. "Angelo came over here panicking because he said everything almost everything in the house is ruined." Before Elias and I left, I cut up the bed and couches, I broke all of the dishes, I ripped some of Angelo's clothes, and I hit the walls and pictures with a hammer.

"He cheated on me!" I said as I began to cry.

"What?" Jai said.

"You were right, Jai. He's cheating on me." I repeated.

"How'd you find out?" She asked.

"He left his phone and I went through it." I wiped my tears. "After everything I did for him and this relationship, he goes out and fucking cheats on me. We had a baby together and we were supposed to get married. I would never hurt him."

Jai sighed. "I'm sorry, Nicole."

"I'm going home to LA. I don't want anybody to know except you and Steve." I told her.

"You have our word."

"I'm about to get back on the road." I said.

"Be careful, Nicole. We love you."

"I love y'all too." We ended the call. I cried for a few more minutes then I got back on the road.

Elias has been pretty good while we were traveling. I guess the movement of the car is soothing to him. I planned on driving halfway tonight, get a hotel, then drive the rest tomorrow.


My mom opened the door and gave me a surprised look. "Nicole? What are you doing here?"

I frowned as tears filled my eyes. "Angelo cheated on me."

"Oh my God." My mom said as she grabbed Elias out of my arms. "Come in, baby."

"Big sis!" Nicholas exclaimed. "Move in day is not until August. What you doing here?"

"She and Angelo broke up, Nick." My mom told him.

"What happened?" Nicholas asked as he walked over to me.

"He cheated." I said.

Nicholas hugged me and kissed my forehead. "You want me to send my shootas out to get him?"

I laughed a little. "No, it's okay."

"Go upstairs and rest, baby. I'll take care of Elias." My mom said.

I just nodded and went upstairs. I kicked off my shoes and climbed into bed. My phone began to go off, which was the hundredth time today. I looked at it and saw it was Angelo calling me once again.

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