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"You're just having Braxton Hicks, baby." My midwife said as she sat beside me.

"How will I know if they're real contractions?" I asked.

"Oh, you'll know. Trust me." She said.

I began to cry. "I just want him out."

"You're only 37 weeks, love. Don't rush him." My midwife said.

Angelo walked into the bedroom and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you crying, big mama?"

"I'm sick of being pregnant." I said, wiping my tears away.

"The good news is that he's positioned himself in the right position and is getting ready for his arrival." My midwife said.

I began to cry some more. Angelo whispered something to the midwife. She nodded, gathered her things and left. Angelo took her place and grabbed my hand.

"This is deeper than the pregnancy." He said.

"Tomorrow is my daddy's birthday." I cried.

Angelo kissed my knuckles. "You're usually so strong when it comes to his birthday."

"I know, but it's really hitting me. I lost my daddy before I could make him proud and that's what hurts me the most." I began to cry harder. "I just want him back."

Angelo kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. "I can't say that I feel your pain because I've never lost a parent. But I do know that your dad loved you with all his heart and I also know that he wouldn't approve of us being together."

I sat up and looked at him. "What?"

"I remember you telling me how he would treat you and your mom and how he could tell when something was wrong. Your dad would've known that I was hitting on you." He paused and sighed. "Baby, I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I'm sorry for not being the man who I was supposed to be. Im sorry for not being able to control my anger. I'm sorry for every slap, punch, bruise, scratch, and scar. You could've left me a long time ago, but you stuck by me. I promise that I will never put you through that again. I have to be a better man for you and our son. I have to be the man that your father would want for you. I'm sorry, baby. I promise I won't put you through that shit again. I promise."

I smiled through my tears and kissed his lips. "I love you, Lo."

"I love you too, baby."


I sat up in the bed and grabbed my phone on the nightstand. It was almost three in the morning and I woke up to my lower abdomen area being on ten. Liquid surrounded me and Angelo in the bed.

"Mama!" I hollered, making Angelo jump out of his sleep.

"Nicole, what the hell?!" He exclaimed as he jumped out of the bed. "What the fuck is this?!"

My mom ran into the room and gasped. "Your water broke."

"Aww, he's coming?" I asked.

"Yes, he's coming." My mom said. "You and Angelo get in the shower while I call Michelle and set everything up."

Angelo walked over to me and helped me up. "The baby is coming!" I said excitedly.

Angelo chuckled as he helped me out of his t-shirt. "I know, Nicole."

"I wonder what he's gonna—ow! What the fuck?!" I yelled as I felt a sharp pain.

"What? What happened?" Angelo asked.

"I-I think i-it's a contraction." I said.

"Oh shit. You okay?"


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