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(Madison POV)

We walked to their house and I showed them all my tattoos. We're now sitting in the movie room watching 'central intelligence'. Someone was knocking on the door "I'll get it" Elton said as he stood up. I heard the door open "hi" Elton said "hi I'm Madison's dad" I felt my face drain of color, my eyes widen, and I started crying.

(Colby POV)
"Hi I'm Madison's dad" I seen Madison go pale and start crying and fear filled her eyes. "Yea, come in." I really like Madison like, like like her and I wonder why she's so scared.

(Madison POV)
My dad came in the room with a evil smirk "Madison, sweetie. You had me worried" he faked a smile "mhm sure" I replied back "Madison, don't make a scene in front of your new friends, let's go" he said through gritted teeth. I got an idea "wait outside I'll be out in a minute" he nodded and walked out the door and I made sure I watched his every move.

As soon as the door closed I turned back to them "what just happened?" Amanda asked "ok well here's my number" I handed them a paper. "Elton can you watch me and make sure I get to the car safely?" I asked with a smug look "why?" He asked "please?" I begged as I gave puppy dog eyes. He nodded and walked to the door. I knew my dad would hit me for making friends.

I walked out to my dad and Elton looked out the peep hole "hi dad" I said with a fake smile. "What the hell is your fucking problem, you slut?" He screamed in my face. "They're my friends" I said calmly. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. He still had a grip on my upper hand and the other hand on my butt. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe hoping they'd help. He stuck his hand in my underwear and kissed my neck. I pulled away with a smug look knowing he'd hit me. Rage filled his eyes "YOU BITCH" he yells as he slapped me.

After he hit me Elton and Corey ran out of the house and tackled him. "Sam is calling the police" Elton said and I began crying. "Go inside" Corey said and I did. I ran to the movie room and collapsed onto a lovesac in shock. I felt arms wrap around me "ssshhhh it's ok your safe now" Colby cooed in my ear in a sing song way probably thinking I'm upset. I like him a lot he's caring and good looking.

I broke out into a hysterical laugh because i was so beyond pissed at my dad. Everyone was staring at me like I just killed someone. I looked down and shook my head trying to not laugh. I readjusted back and cuddled into Colby's chest "oh Kay" I heard Colby mumble.

I heard sirens and my dad screaming 'no' and 'let me go'. Soon after Elton and Corey came in in perfect condition, with cops. "Hello miss, we're gonna ask you some questions" he said and I nodded. "What's your name?" "Madison Rose Rodriguez" "what is his relation to you?" "Father" "what is his full name?" "Joseph Dean Rodriguez" "where is your mother?" "She died in 2014 when I was 16" "how old are you currently?" "19" "when did the abuse start?" "When my mom died" "when's your birthday?" "May eighth 1998" "what were the forms of abuse?" "Physical, emotional, sexual" I mumbled the last word "what was the last word?" "Sexual"I said and I felt Colby move I looked at him and he looked pissed. "Who are these people to you?" He asked gesturing to my new friends "friends, really good people and friends" "where will you stay?" "No clue I can't afford rent for a 38 million dollar mansion" I mumbled everything after no clue.

"She can stay here" Elton told the officer and I looked at him like he had 72 heads. "We have a extra room" "no, no, NO! You've been too nice" "I insist" he said as he shot me a look then turned back to the officer "I'll take her by her old house to pick up her things" he told them and they nodded and left. "You've done plenty" I whined "I insist, lets go get your things" he said as he stared at me and I stared back. It was a staring contest to see who won. I blinked first "fine" I whined "YAAY" everyone screamed.

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