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2 days later

I set my camera up and pressed record. "What is up you lovely sons of biotchezzzzz. Today I'm here with drew. He's behind the camera. Drew say hi" I said into the camera "hey guys" he said in a girly voice and I giggled. "He's going to read me questions and I'm gonna answer them" I said as I stuck my tongue out.

"Okay first question!" Drew exclaimed "I'm actually kind of scared" I told him and he giggled "okay the first question iiiiiisssss..... how old are you?" He said bluntly "well drew is a total tease. Buuuut I'm 19 and my birthday is in 3 weeks" I said and I put on a cheesy smile at the end

"Next question iiiisss.... who's your YouTube crush?" Drew asked and I went wide eyed "hmmmmmmm" I hummed as I looked up and rubbed my chin in fake thought "I'm gonna have to sayyyy..... Colby Brock" I giggled

"Next iiiiissss can you twerk?" Drew asked and I smirked and made a double chin "I'm Latina. The fact you think I can't twerk is hurtful" I fake cried "jk jk um play a clip" I said as I put my hands in a circle. Drew turned off the camera and turned it to the area beside my bed. I stood up and went over and he pressed record and I began twerking. Drew turned the camera off and I went back to my normal seat.

"Next. The question iiiisss..... can drew be in the video" he asked and I gave an annoyed look and he chuckled. "His voice can. He can't. I link him in the description though" I said with a smile "my finger can too" drew said as he put his finger in front of the camera and I giggled

"Ok this one iiiiiss.... what do you like most about Colby?" I smiled into the camera "I would have to say hisssssssss pp........" drew looked at me wide eyed "his perfect personality" and drew giggled

"Next question isssss...... what is your nationality?" Drew asked and I furrowed my eyebrows "ummm my mom was half Venezuelan and my dad was full Venezuelan. I was born in Venezuela. So that makes me 75 percent Venezuelan and 25 percent American." I smiled into the camera.

"Next one isssss..... can you say something in Spanish?" Drew asked with a sly smirk thinking I can't "algo en espanol" I said and drews face dropped "what'd you say?" "I said the words 'something in Spanish'" I told him and he nodded

"Ok next one iiiiisss... what would you get arrested for?" Drew smirked "y'know you ain't funny..... being friends and being in a relationship with people from the TFIL gang it would most likely be trespassing or breaking and entering." I aid into the camera

"How many kids do you want and what would you name them?" Drew smiled innocently and I gave him a dirty look "ummm 2 I want a boy first and I want to name him Elijah lee blank... ooooorr.... Levi Thomas blank. Then I want a girl and I want to name her either sage Leigh blank oooorrr Rowen Blair blank." I bit my lip then smiled into the camera.

"What's your favorite color?" Drew asked "that's simple. And really basic. But my favorite color is maroon."

"What's your favorite food?" Drew asked and I smiled as I thought for moment. "Ummmmmmmmm chicken Alfredo it's just soooo good" I hummed onto the camera

"Do your tattoos have meaning?" Drew asked I smiled into a camera "I'm making that video next month but I'll tell you I have 6 tattoos"

"Oooooookay that is the end of my video please like comment and subscribe. Mine and drews social medias are in the description. I love you, you biotchez. Zzzzzoooop" I said and drew ended the video.

"Ok what now?" Drew asked "ummmm. Panera?" I asked with a smile and he nodded.

"And one day I just had it and just was done and walked out" drew said as we walked in the parking lot of Panera. I laughed but stopped when I numbed into someone carrying books. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" I said as I bent down and helped her pick up books. "Um here" I said as she stood up. I got a good look at her and went wide eyed. "Lucia?" I asked "oh my god" she mumbled as she pulled me into a hug.

"I will miss you my Venezuela buddy" I told Lucia. Me and Lucia grew up together in Venezuela. When my moms parents decided to move to bora bora my mom and dad decided to move to la and Lucia had moved with us. She was now moving back to Venezuela with her parents cuz her parents miss her and she's home sick. "I'll miss you more" she cried as she hugged me. I hugged back "flight 627 to Venezuela is boarding now" the intercom spoke we broke apart and waved bye to her and watched her walk off and I felt a tear slip down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

"Oh my god Lucia. Why are you in LA? How are you parents?" Her face dropped and she frowned "my parents died and I moved here with my boyfriend Luke" she told me and I nodded "am I missing something?" Drew asked "yes you indeed are Lucia this is Drew. Drew Lucia. My Venezuela bae. Drew is my gay bae" I said with a giggle. Lucia slipped a paper in my hand "I have to go Luke is strict" she said and i nodded and hugged her again before she ran off.

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