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(Madison POV)

Let's pretend she already got a car.

I slung my only bag from the tfil house onto my bed and sat down. I sat for a few minutes trying to think of what to do when I heard the door open then shut. I walked into the main area and seen Colby looking around probably in shock. "Hey babe" I said with a smile "wow you did good baby" he said as he turned and started walking towards me. I was leaning against a counter. He came over and lifted me up onto the counter and hugged me while burying his face into my neck. He pulled away and pecked my lips.

He opened the fridge and frowned at the sight of nothing making me laugh. "Lets go" he tells me "where?" "Grocery shopping" I let out another laugh as I slipped my vans on.

We made it to the store and I jumped in the cart and he took a picture. A few seconds later my phone buzzes and I pull it out and check it.

Colbybrock: she's so cute

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Colbybrock: she's so cute. 😊 @madisonrose

I smiled and put my phone away and got out. We walked around and got a lot of food then made our way home. We put all the grocery store away and I filled up milos food and water bowls. "Baaaaabbbeeh" Colby called from the couch. He was shirtless. I bit my lip "yes dear?" I responded "cuddles" he said as he opened his arms. I smiled and walked over. He pecked my forehead as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I shifted a few times times before opening my eyes. I yawned and looked to my left and frowned. I was in my bed alone. I rubbed my temples before getting up. I got a quick shower then dried my hair and put it in a pony tail before getting dressed.

I walked to the kitchen and cut up some strawberrys and banana then put it in the blender

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I walked to the kitchen and cut up some strawberrys and banana then put it in the blender. Once that was done I put it in Starbucks cup and sat it on the counter. "Miiilooo" I yelled and she came running in "were gonna go on a walk baby" I said and she ran to the door. I chuckled and put her leash and garnish on them grabbed my smoothie.

We walked around a public park for a few until stopping at a little outside eating area and sitting at one of the benches. "Mom and dad I brought you here for a reason. Ok um as you know I moved out" I overheard some guy say "mhm of course hunny" I heard the mom say "well I moved out with m-m-my my b-b-boy-boyfriend" I heard 2 gasps "no that is not what my son is about" I heard the dad say "he proposed and I said yes" I turned to look and seen the parents looking in disbelief "were going to adopt a daughter." The parents shook their heads "call us when you get a girlfriend" the mom said as she walked away husband following. I seen a tear come out his eye and I walked over. "I'm so sorry" I whispered as I grabbed his hand "why do you care?" He asked sadly "I don't but I support you. In fact I have a suggestion on who to adopt. Her name is Delaney she's 1" he smiled at me "your sweet my name is drew" he told me I nodded "here's the deal. My names Madison. I've always wanted a gbf. What do you say we take my dog back to my apartment then go to the mall" I told him with a smile. He chuckled and nodded while standing up.

"What is your profession?" I asked as I walked into the apartment "I'm a photographer

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"What is your profession?" I asked as I walked into the apartment "I'm a photographer. You?" "YouTuber my boyfriend is Colby Brock" I said as I removed milos leash and harness and sat it in the drawer. "I've heard of him. He's hot" I laughed as I sat my cup in the sink. "Ok I'm my car is in the garage" I said with a smile.

We made it to the mall and got out. "Can we skip over like friends and go straight to telling each other everything and asking each other why you don't have food in your house and having keys to each other's homes?" I asked as we walked into the mall "hell yea" I laughed at his goofiness and ran off to the store.

"Carry me" I asked with a really cheesy grin. He ducked down "hop on" he told me with a smirk. He walked over to a guy. "Hey guy can you take a picture?" He nodded and I gave him my phone. He took the picture and I took my phone back and posted on Instagram.

Madisonrose: I said carry me and he said hop on

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Madisonrose: I said carry me and he said hop on. You the realist @drewbeaarr
24.5k likes 15k comments

User1: where's Colby? 🙄
User2: slut @colbybrock
Drewbeaarr: yaaass new bae
Samgolbach:what? @colbybrock
Colbybrock: call me now.

I rolled my eyes at Colby's comment but jumped off drews back. "You need a ride home bff?" I asked "uh no I'll have my fiancé get me. But call me tomorrow I wanna meet Delaney and hang out" I nodded and walked away.

"Hello Colby?" I said into the phone "who was that guy?" He asked "uh a friend who carried me cuz we were at the mall" "why were you with a guy?" I smirked to myself "is cowbbee jewus?" I asked "why were you with him?" He asked "meet me at my house in two days" "what?" I winked at him with a smug look then hung up.

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