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I sat in the living room between Elton and Aaron who are like my cool older brothers. Colby was out with Brennan and nik but should be home soon. Me and all the roommates are talking in the movie room. I was getting drowsy so I layed my head on Eltons shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist in a conferring way. He smiled down at me which I returned. I moved my feet onto Aaron's lap and he layed his arms over my legs wrapping one of his hands loosely around my ankle. It was comforting. I smiled slightly as Aaron rubbed my ankle once again in a comforting way.

"Madison tell us something interesting about you that we dont know." Devyn cheered. I shrugged and sighed. I had to think until I thought of a happy one. "Uh I'm 5 months clean from self harm" I told them and they smiled. "Colby really helped me. He's so sweet. I love him so much" I finished. They went wide eyed and jaw dropped at the word love. "He has said it to me too. Only once though." I reassured them and they nodded.

About 5 minutes later and were still in the same position but the front door opens. And Colby walks into the movie room. He looks at Elton then Aaron then to me. He looks mad and I didn't know why. "Hey..." he says aggressively and I sigh "hey baby" I said and he looked down "can we like- go talk?" He asks me and I nod nervously standing up. I take his hand and we walk out the front door and he closes it behind him. "What the hell?" He asks and I give him a puzzled look. "What?" I ask and his eyes widen in disbelief "you getting all touchy touchy with two guys at once... WHEN YOH HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" He yells the last part and I sigh nervously "uh. Th-they are Like b-brothers to m-me" I tell him and he narrows his eyes. "Oh really?" He asks and I nod nervously. Please don't hit me.

He starts walking towards me and I back away into the beam as he has a mad look. He walks up and smacks the beam above my shoulder making me jump and a tear slips out of my eye. "Why do you act like such a slut? I already got into it with Brennan and I come home to see you all over my friends?" He questions in disbelief as he smacks the beam again eating the same reaction. He's acting like my dad.   "H-hit me- hit-t me al-alre-alreAdy" I whimper and his face drops in realization. "Mad-Madison I'm so so sorry" he says and I shake my head no as tear pour down my face. I run to my car and get in and drive away as tears pool into the seat. I need some time.

I drove back home and went to my bathroom. 5 months clean down the drain. I was sobbing as I searched through the drawer. I pulled out the shiny silver piece of metal and stared at it as I sobbed. I placed it above my wrist. 3 for Colby. 2 for dad. 2 for slut. 1 for running. 2 for trying.

I bandage my wrists and walk into my bedroom. I change into some athletic shorts and a hoodie. I calmed my crying and layed on the bed staring at the ceiling. Why was he so mad? I did nothing. Was he jealous? He wasn't home.

I heard the door open and close. Colby. "Madison?" His soft voice called. I heard him walking around but I just closed my eyes and listened to his footsteps coming closer. I heard the bedroom door creak open and I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I was broken. I thought I was fixed. But I'm still broken. "Madioson, baby, I'm so sorry.... I-it was wrong b-but- I-I I just was filled w-with anger from Brennan- pleAse forgive me?" He finished and then bed sunk in. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

I sighed and turned to him. His gorgeous oven eyes that I can get just drown in. His sexy brown hair that I just want to run my fingers through for hours. His pink plump lips that I just want to kiss all day. I can't stay mad he's my drug and I love him. "I'm sorry. I get jealous because I love you" he whispers to me. "I love you too" I whisper as I stand up and walk to my closet. I take out some leggings and I could feel his eyes burning into me. I walk back into the room and drop my shorts and put on the leggings. I walk back and grab a maroon sweater forgetting my cuts. I walk back into the room with him still watching. Bad idea. And remove my shirt. I put the new maroon sweater over my head and turn to my mirror. I take out my hair and put it in a side braid then turn to Colby who had tears going down his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I grabbed his hand. "Wh-why did you why did you? Was it me?" He asked and I gave him a puzzled look until he rolled up my sleeve. I sighed and rolled my sleeve down. "Let's go" I said as I stood up. "Where?" He question "an adventure." I say calmly. "It's night" he tried to reason. "Perfect" I tell him as I walk off. He groaned then followed.



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Madisonrose: let's go on an adventure. @colbybrock

27k likes 10k comments

Samgolbach: they made up 😁
Username1: ew just kill yourself
Username2: your such a slut. Smh
Username3: kill yourself you Bitch
Username4: GET OFF OF COLBY!
Drewbeaarr: yas girl.
Username5: your so gorgeous Madison. You and Colby were made for each other. ❤️

Battle scars {•} Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now