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(Madison POV)

We were all sitting in silence bored out of our minds. We were all in the RV. Elton drove, sam was on Instagram, Corey was complaining about being hungry and bored, and me and Colby are cuddled up staring into space while I eat chips.

"Uggggghh I'm sooooo boooreeed" Corey groaned and whined for the 100th time "Elton do something. Turn on some godamn music until we get wherever we are going" I screamed and he noises and turned on the radio. The first song was I song I didn't really know but the second song was descpacito and I sang along.

When I finished I realized the song was turned off and everyone was staring and Colby was recording me. "What?" I asked while laughing and shoving a chip onto my mouth "you sing!" Corey says "and speak Spanish!" I gave them a weird look "and?" "Your really good"Colby praised  "eh thanks" I said after I pecked his cheek.

We went to this Agroventures place. We turned the camera off and they were arguing about arrangements and Corey wasn't going on "I'll go first I want to go by myself" I said to the guy and he nodded and I walked to Elton and flicked his hat taking the go pro. I walked back over and got hooked up and it started going up. I could feel adrenaline pumping through me and I was excited. When it dropped and I began swinging I squealed and began laughing. When passing the boys I stuck out my middle finger "PUSSY ASS BITCHES" I yelled at them then broke into laughter.

I got off still giggling at myself then handed the camera to Elton and they began laughing. "Holy shit" Elton mumbled then turned to Corey "the guys before screamed like bitches and she laughed and called us pussys and you still won't go?" Elton asked "no".

After this they were doing some weird ass shit In a small box called shweeb. I have claustrophobia so I got a free pass. I quietly snuck away and ran to a snack bar "hi can I get 5 bags of potato chips and 5 waters" she nodded "15.48" I nodded and handed her a 20 "keep the change" she nodded and handed me a bag. I put the bag in my book bag as a surprise and ran back "holy shit babe you had me worried" Colby told me then kissed my temple. I smiled at him "y'know I knew there was a reason I liked you" I told him as I pointed at him causing everyone to laugh.

We were walking back when a guy walks up to me and he looks like a 37 year old. "Hey pretty thing" I see Colby's jaw clench I smirk at Colby and wink at him before turning to the guy "hi" I sat in a flirty way as I twirled my hair on my finger "what about me and you go on a date?" He asked I looked to Elton who was recording and smiled "ok babe. Wait hold on I just got a text" i pulled out my phone and pretended to read something. I fake gasped "you Dickhead. You cheated on me this isn't gonna work out it's not me it's you we can still be friends not really.  Peace out Girl Scout" I said as I threw up a piece sign making the guys laugh and him stand jaw dropped "plus I have a dick" I yelled to him making him run and Corey and Elton collapse and laughter "oh. My. God. Your too much" Corey tells me making me smirk.

We made it back to the RV and I watched everyone plop down and groan "who's hungry?" I ask and I get a bunch of mes. I quickly pass out chips and waters getting many thank yous. "I knew there was a reason I liked you" Colby told me while poking my cheek.

Battle scars {•} Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now