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"Colby I'm going to go watch a movie with Devyn, kat, and Amanda." I told him as I watched him play video games. He nodded and I walked into the movie room and sat beside the girls.

"Guys I have a prank idea" I whispered to the girls. "Cool what's up?" Kat asked "so me and whoever wants to help will go upstairs and pretend I hurt that person. I'll be like possessed. First I'll act weird then me and whoever will go upstairs. I'll take Devyn. And I'll have her scream and pretend I'm attacking her and everyone will run upstairs. So yea devyn you in?" I asked and they all smirked and nodded. "Ok I brought cameras" I say as I take my three cameras out of the bag.

I walked in the kitchen and set one up to where you can see in the game room. I walked upstairs and set one up so you could see the whole hallway. I walked in Devyn and Corey's room and set one up. I walked back to the living room and sat criss cross on the floor, tilted my head, stared at nothing, and smiled.

"Ummmm Maddy?" Colby asked "guys something is wrong with Maddie" Colby said again "Madison" Corey said "maaaaadddiieee" Sam sung "you good mads?" Elton asked. I rolled my head back and stared wide eyed at the roof. Out of the corner of my eye I could see they looked terrified. Out of no where I stood up very quickly. I stared at the roof still and made my eyes follow a trail. I stared at Corey and tilted my head and smiled at him. "Hellllooo earth to Madison" Colby said as he put his hand in front of my face. I wanted to laugh but I didn't break "yo is she ok?" Elton asked "this is creepy" Corey said as he looked petrified since I was still staring at him "zozo" I mumbled "what?" Corey asked looking even more scared "she said zozo" Elton muttered in a shaky voice "zozo?" I said louder as I looked behind Corey "zozo" I screamed really loudly. I looked at the floor and opened my mouth then fake collapsed to the ground. "Oh my god Madison" Colby said as he ran to me. I stood up very quickly. "Are you good?" Elton asked. I just smiled creepily at him and turned on my heels walking into the movie room "she's not good. Let's just leave her be" I heard Sam mutter.

I walked over to Devyn and nodded my head to the stairs signaling her to go in her room and she got up. I sat down for about 3 minutes before going up myself. I walked up stairs and to get room. She was waiting on her bed on the phone with a big thing of fake blood next to her and a knife. "Lay down" I whispered and she did that. I dumped blood all over her chest and neck. "You scream after I stomp around" I told her and she nodded. I stomped around and she screamed at the top of the lungs. Right after she screamed I got on her hips straddling them and held the knife above my head and screamed myself.

(Colby POV)
Me and the boys were talking about Madison when we heard stomping around from upstairs. "What's that?" Corey asked and I shrugged. All of a sudden we heard Devyn scream from upstairs then we heard Madison scream. We all immediately ran upstairs. It came from Corey's room. We all ran in and seen a bloody Devyn being straddled by Madison who held a knife. Everyone was in shock. Until Madison collapsed to the side of Devyn. Devyn wasn't moving. I ran over to Madison and Corey ran to Devyn while everyone else stood in shock.

"Madison!" I said as I shop her. She groaned and rubbed her eyes and sat up. She smiled at me then looked around and gasped. She immediately pushed herself away from the body. "Wh-what what h-hap-happened?" She choked out "we we you were on top of her her wi-with a knife. Y-you earlier we-were say-saying z-zozo" Elton muttered. all of a sudden The supposedly dead Devyn giggled and so did Madison. "You guys are stupid" Madison said as she pulled out a camera. "Welcome to the prank wars!" They both yelled "team devison for the win bitches" Madison yelled as we all stormed out. We walked into the hallway and seen the rest of the girls laughing at us.

Battle scars {•} Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now