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"Hello jasmine" her eyes widened and I bit my lip. "Madison?" She asked and I slowly nodded not being able to get a word out before I'm engulfed in a huge hug.

I was with jasmine and Lucia. They were my best friends. We had met jasmine when we moved to la. She immediately was just like us so we loved her. She was another one of us. She fit perfectly in the friend group so we let her in.

We sat in my house while my dad was out. My mom had died recently but I was over it I guess. We were eating popcorn and staying on our phones. "Look at this he's so hot" Lucia said turning her phone screen to me and jasmine. It was some guy. He was decent looking but not hot. "Holy shiiit" jasmine mumbled as her popcorn fell out of her mouth. I laughed and shrugged "eh" I to them and they turned to me like I was crazy "not that hot" I shrugged and they laughed. The front door slammed and my eyes widened. Lucia turned to me since she was the only one who knew. "The window now" I whispered and Lucia bolted but not jasmine.

Lucia was gone but jasmine wasn't. She was scrolling through her phone. "Jasmine leave" I told her and she scoffed "why?" She asked confused "just go please. I'll call you" I pleaded pointing to the window. She shrugged and picked up her bags and walked to the door. I could hear his footsteps. "No the window" I cried as tears rained. She opened the door and my father speed walked in. "Who is this?" He pointed to jasmine "hi sir I'm jasmine" jasmine smiled and stuck her hand out and I bit my lip to control my sobs. My dad smirked at me before turning to her. "I'm Mr. Rodriguez" he smiled and she nodded. He walked to the door and shut then locked it. Jasmine looked at me confused and I just cried and shook my head as my dad walked over to her.

He picked her up and forcefully laid her onto the bed. He tore her clothes off and had his raped her. She looked at me disgusted as I cried in the corner. She didn't know he did it to me too. She thought it was a trap. My dad picked me up and raped me too. Her face softened as she still cried. She held my hand as he did what he did. He was disgusting. He was a sick bastard. We cried together.

A few weeks later

My father wasn't home and I was alone. My bedroom door locked and shut. Lucia had moved back to Venezuela. My phone began to rang and I answered it. It was jasmine. "Madison" she sobbed "yea. What's wrong?" I spoke softly and she cried harder. "My mom made me move like 4 hours away. I'm pregnant from your dad raping me" I was shocked "hello?" She sobbed. I didn't answer. It was too much. I hung up. We lost all contact since then. She didn't try and neither did I.

We released from the hug and smiled at each other. "I want to meet them" I smiled and she nodded "my parents moved out. Left the house to me and my husband. My last name is Reed but my sons is Ortega still" she smiled and I nodded. "ANTONY GET DOWN HERE BRING THE KIDS" she yelled and I looked at her "kids" I asked and she nodded. "I had one with my husband" she smiled. Some guy came down with a little boy and holding a baby.

"Babe this is Madison. Madison this is Antony. Madison is an old friend" she introduced me to her boyfriend. "This is Jayden" she smiled at the little boy and he smiled at me  I returned it. "And this little one is Odessa" she picked up the baby. I didn't know I was tearing up until I felt the hot liquid rush down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and smiled sadly at the family. This was my goals. Love. "Uh can we talk privately?" I ask and she nods. She handed Odessa to Antony and Antony turned to Jayden. "Hey buddy wanna go watch a movie?" He asked Jayden. I just smiled and bit my lip at the family. "Yes daddy" Jayden boomed. Antony nodded and they left.

Once they were gone I turned to jasmine "my dads in prison." I smiled and she hugged me. We released and she held my shoulders. "Lucia is back" I felt tears pouring "me and my boyfriend. Yes boyfriend. We love each other and are going through a tough patch" I let out a shaky breath and a sob then continued. "I have friends. My own apartment." I smiled sadly and sobbed again. "Yesterday. I was talking to Lucia about how I messed up" I whispered "I broke up with him because I'm not good enough" I sobbed again and she hugged me again. When she released I continues "I was digging into my cuts and didn't even notice" my shaky voice spoke. "I blacked out. Woke up in the hospital. Colby was there. I heard him tell him he loved me. I told him I loved him. He said I was perfect" I sobbed again and wiped my cheeks. "This morning I woke up. He had went home for a shower. I sent the text saying 'dive by Salvatore sorry'. I jumped in. They tried to stop me. Here I am" I finished and she shook her head with her mouths ajar before pulling me into a bone breaking big and I sobbed into her shoulder.

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