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I sighed as I tried to stand up from the bed but immediately falling from the pain in between my legs. "Colby I'm going to kill you" I growled and he chuckled and helped me up. "Thanks babe" I smiled at him and he smiled back "no problem" he spoke softly as he kissed my forehead.

Once he let me go I limped downstairs and sat on the chair and pulled out my phone. I began a three way call with Lucia and Drew. "Heeeey" drew answered first and I opened my mouth but was cut off by Lucia. "Hey babes" she giggled and I chuckled. "Come over. I haven't seen y'all in forever." I smiled to myself. "I'm already here babe. I missed you" Lucia laughed and hung up as I heard my front door open. "I'm with Her" drew laughed and hung up.

They came running in and I laughed and stood up to quickly to hug them, The pain being completely gone.


"And she wa-" Lucia was cut off by a very harsh and loud banging on the door. I rolled my eyes as drew stood up "I got it" he smiled as he ran off. I heard the door open and yelling.

"WHERE IS SHE? WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" Lukas's voice yelled as he ran into the living room and saw me. All the roommates came running downstairs as I looked at Lukas confused. His face softened when he saw me. "Why are you here?" He sternly asked and I bit my lip nervous.

"I live here now." I told him and his eyes widened. "I don't know how I feel about that. I legit for a bit and when I get back your just gone? No you can't do that. Let's go" he finishes in a yell as he harshly grabs my arm. "LUKAS STOP" I cry in pain and he chuckles and lets me go and I stumble back. "GET OUT" most of the people in the house yell. He stood there for a few seconds before 8 other bigger guys all in leather walked in. Each one of them ran over to someone and grabbed them as Lukas grabbed my arms.

I fought and fought until everything went black.


When I woke up it was dark. I stood up from the tattered bed and fell to the floor. The pain in between my legs being back again. My body came in contact with the cold floor and I immeditaly looked down knowing something was off. I was completely naked in between my legs was bloody,  my body bruised and some deep cuts. At the site I screamed as loud as I could. Breathing heavy as i stared down at my body.

A few moments later someone spoke up "surprised your awake with how rough I was being with you" my eyes snapped up and I was met with Lukas's soft brown eyes. "What did you do to me?" I cried and he laughed.

"You want details? While you were unconscious I kissed and licked every little detail on your body, made you suck on my dick, fucked you bloody, then left you down here naked, bruised, cut up, and bloody." He smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Now get dressed" he demanded as he picked up some clothing off a shelf and threw them at me. "Your going home in ten minutes. Don't tell anyone about this or I'll come back and kill you." He smirked. I shakily put my clothes on and he yanked my arm up and walked me outside.

I'm broken and there's no fixing me.

Battle scars {•} Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now