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(A/n: notice a change in behavior)

I giggle to myself as I zoom straight through the red light. My music was blaring ce-lo greens fuck you and I was driving around at 3 am, drunk off my mind. Yes I'm a good drunk driver. This was one of the best moments for me. It was perfect. Well behind Colby's kisses. I giggle as I zoom past a elderly couple which almost made them fall. That was funny. I zoomed down the street nearly hitting a child who looked about 8 and burst into laughter. I slowed the car down and turned into a street where I seen a few people outside. I opened my sunroof and stood up making the car still go, but I wasn't steering. My car zoomed pass three people who looked in their mid 40s and I laughed "WOOOO MOTHERFUCKERS" I giggled and they looked at me with disgust as I got back in my car.

I giggled drunkenly causing the officer to scoff and throw me in the cell. I looked around and seen two girls and three big dudes. "Hi" I giggled and waved and they nodded at me. "You crazy drunk bitch. I like you" one girl smiles and points at me. She jumped off the metal table she was sat on and walked towards me sticking a tattooed hand out. "I'm Franny" she smiled and I took her hand "Madison" I giggle and she smirks.

"Drunk Bitch. You get one call" the guard calls as he unlocks the door. I stumble out of the cell mad towards the phone. I dial Colby's number and he picks up on like the last ring. "Baaaabbe" I giggle as I speak loudly and I hear him groan "what's up? It's four am" he sighs. He sounds like he just woke up. "Come pick me up at jail. I'm drunk as fuck babe. Thanks." I giggle into the phone "Jesus Christ" he mumbles and I hear some shuffling "I'm coming" he says angrily as he hangs up. I giggle and sit the phone on the hook "I'm coming" I mock him as I flex. I see Franny nod her head and laugh at me.

About twenty minutes later Colby and everyone comes barging in. They all looked pissed. I giggled at the sight. Most of them in pajamas, in fact, devyn was wearing a footie onesie. They all glared at me until Colby turned to the guard. "The drunk one right?" The guard asks and Colby nods. The guard opens the door and I step out.

Colby grabs my arm but I tank it back and walk to the guards desk. I take a pen then walk back over to the now locked cell. "Franny. Mere" I smile and the guard clears his throat. "You can't do that 'drunk'. She's hurt someone. Don't trust her." The guard says calling me by my new nickname. "Shut the fuck up and calm the hell down. I'm not giving her the god damn pen." I roll my eyes as I write my number on Frannys arm. "Madison quit" I hear Colby whisper harshly. A thought pops into my head and I speak again. "Though it'd be hilarious to watch her gouge your eyeballs out with this pen." I frown as I stare at the pen for a second. A few moments of silence pass and I throw the pen at the guard before stumbling out of the prison, all of the roommates following behind.

I smile at Colby as he picks me up and puts me in the car. I lay my head on Devyns shoulder and fall asleep.

Battle scars {•} Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now