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"No no no no I said nooooo" kat jokingly whines as she threw her head back. everyone chuckled as she picked up a card from the extra pile, groaned and picked up three more, finally putting a blue card onto the pile of uno cards that was topped off with a wild, now topped off with a blue '7'

I giggled a bit as I looked around the circular table, the line up being Kat across from me, Sam next to her, Devyn next to Sam, then Corey, next Colby, then Me, then Amanda, then Elton, then Lucia, then Aaron, then Drew, then Gary. Aaron and Lucia sat there kissing as the game continued.

Everything in this moment was perfect.

Everyone was laughing and smiling, it was as if my world was finally at peace.

And I was at peace watching the three sets of wedding rings shine as people laughed, talked, groaned, and threw down uno cards.

Everyone was happy.

Everything was going to be okay, it was all perfect, and nothing could change that.

We could care less what people thought of us and we could care less what anybody said, we were simply our own crazy and adventurous selves, and if we weren't I'd be worried.

Because thats who we are in the long run, careless kids.

And there's no changing it.

We are who we are and that's just final.

In this moment, the room is full of laughter and smiles, but more importantly it's full of love, happiness, and Hope for the future.

I was happy and I had my goals straight.

My goals being, to be happy and have a family.

My family filling this room with laughter right now, is all I need, at least for now.

Battle scars {•} Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now