Chapter 16

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I started arguing with myself about going with him until i had finally decided that i would

"Okay, go" i said coming out of my thoughts

"Took you long enough"

Bang. A loud gunshot was fired right by us oh shoot. Haha get it? shoot? Im funny okay.

Did the other guys find us? Do we run?

"Run" i shout

"What are you crazy"

"No, now run!" i shout again

We start running to i guess where his car is. I see him open the black jeep and hurriedly get inside. I get in as fast as i can hoping no one saw us

Bang. Oh no, someone saw us. There was a hole in the car door i was just about to close.

"Drive" I say tryin get to stay calm

"Are you-"

"Hit the fucking pedal and get us out of here Matthew!" I shout in fear

Matthew then drives us out of the parking lot eventually getting in the freeway. Luckily we got out in time before the others could find there car and drive

"So where we going?"

"Nowhere in specific we have to be careful incase they follow is to the gang house" Matt said looking into the cars mirrors

"So care to tell me why you're in a gang and are not in my fathers if anything."

"Look okay, you know when we moved here. We would need jobs and you still had to finish school aswell as I" Matt said calmly in respons i just nodded my head

"Well my mother, your aunt, was bankrupt a month after we moved here. She had absolutely no money and was fired from her job which was already minimum pay. So me, trying to be a hero, decided i needed to find a job and quick so as i started applying for jobs one day...

Matts POV of that day
I'm walking through a park it's a pretty nice day out and i decided i needed a break from job hunting. I sat myself down on a wooden bench

"What am i going to do? How am i going to get a good paying job? How will I tell Maggie?" I silently questioned myself scared and sad knowing I had no money to provide for myself nevermind my mother and cousin.

I held my head in my hands and contemplated my choices, which were barely any. All i've got so far is becoming a male stripper or a coffee barista. Sadly the male stripper is better money and in less time. Im not becoming a fucking male stripper though.

I let out a scream releasing me of some frustration when all of a sudden some guy around my age decided to sit next to me out of all the wooden benches in the park. Why this one? Give me some space dude.

"Hey, I heard you scream and decided you may need help, so whats wrong?" The man with green eyes spoke

Does he really think i'm going to tell him what's wrong

"My girlfriend broke up with me" I told him obviously lying as i had never been good at it

"What a shame, if it was only the truth" He said smiling as he knew i lied

"Okay fine, I just moved here a month ago with my cousin. Everything was going fine we were going to get jobs maybe at a coffee shop or something and my mother would handle most of our bills until we come of age 18. Two days ago she told me she was fired and bankrupt. So i'm trying to be a hero for my mom and take care of all three of us but i can't i'm not even finished school. I haven't told my cousin yet i don't want her to worry. She already has so much stress from moving here and has a hard time settling. I just don't know what to do"
I say to the mysterious man

"I've got a job offer for you" He says with a straight face

"Please don't joke i can't handle it right now"

"It's not a joke. It's good pay. Hours aren't too long but they do vary depending on what you have to day that day."

"It sounds perfect i'll take it I don't care what it is please i need this."

"Okay, come to this address tomorrow and we'll have your contract ready and as soon as you're done signing it we'll start your training."

End of His Pov

"Matt, you could've told me
damn it" i say slapping him on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I never wanted you to get involved in all of this"

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Well that was interesting...

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