Chapter 20

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Maggie POV

Currently i'm sitting in the room with the oh so comfortable chair and table. Im also handcuffed once again. Im extremely bored so i've been singing a song for the last five minutes according to the clock hanging on the wall

"Life is great
loving life
im not bored at all
at all!
oh yeah
life is great
loving life"

My lyrics are deep as you can tell. Apparently i'm 'lucky' as Matt had described me as Joey had told everyone however much I annoy them no one is allowed to do anything except him. And since he won't be here for two days seems like i'm safe, somewhat. Remember i'm being hunted down. Am I safe at all? oH hello anxiety

Shit i'm going to die. Im going to gwt kidnapped again and then they will kill me. Will I be tortured? Will they shoot me? How many times? When?

I need to think about other things um okay. What about my song again yeah that will take my mind off things okay from the top.

"Life is great
loving li-" I get cut off, what i was just getting into my jam

"Maggie you okay?" Matts worried voice goes through my ears

"Yeah i'm eh i guess" I say with a shrug

"Well that's eh i guess?" Matt says with a shrug "I got you food by the way"

I raised my eyebrow to the tray he placed on the table.

"Wow, two apples, an orange, is that cheese? and a tablet. Boy i swear if you're trying to poison me" I say pointing at the tray as well as putting my hands in the air as a sort of defense

"It's an iron tablet, i know you're getting your period round about tomorrow and you like taking iron tablets while your on it so me being the great cousin i am, got you some as well as uh some of these" he said the last part handing me a pack if tampons

"I told you downloading that app would help you one day" I spoke with a slight giggle

"You're always the smarter one betwee-" Matt got interrupted by a gunshot "Fuck, who's it now?" he said mumbling to himself while pulling out the gun in his jean- when did that get there?

"Maggie, lay low maybe get under the table and stay quiet" Matt says about to leave the room

"Matt, my handcuffs" I say shaking my hands slightly

"Spare key is under the chair i'm sure you can reach it" He says while closing the door

I tried feeling for it but my hands couldn't get under. I tried sliding down my chair and I could just feel the key.

Bang. Shit a gunshot and it sounded close

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" i said mumbling to myself trying to get the key. Some how my chair ended up falling over and the metal caused a huge crashing noise

"fuck you god damn it never liked you, you damn chair. Can stop being such a little shi-" i ranted in panic incase the gunned men heard me

All of a sudden I heard the door swing open. I can't see who just opened the door as the oh so lovely chair flipped in the opposite direction

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