Chapter 6 Flight

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The frantic pounding at the door finally drew Jolene from her bed to the door. She covered herself with her robe, closed it with a belt and opened the door a crack. She saw her aunt and uncle standing at the door. Then she stood opened mouthed and in awe at the display in the night sky. "Happy birthday Jody," her aunt whispered.

"You woke me up to wish me a happy birthday?"

"No Jo, you need to run," her uncle said softly.

"You touched an egg," her aunt said.

"How...did you..."

"The sky, everyone will know," her aunt said, "We're here to help you. You need to run...tonight."

"But... Ed is not here."

"He will catch up, Jo we don't have much time," Minerva said, "I'll pack, you get Gabby." They had Gabriella dressed and everything packed by the fourth hour. "I made a breakfast, so please eat."

"Do you need any money," her uncle asked.

"Thank you, no, Uncle Paul, Ed left me with ample funds."

"We have a horse and wagon. We will take you as far as Highland. You can get the Yellow Coach from there. You need to reach the pass as soon as possible. Jo, if you are caught you will be tortured for your dragon."

"And if you stay, the village will most likely burn you as a witch," her aunt added. They worked quickly and put a Jolene's and Gabriella's clothes in a bag and loaded the three boxes from her mother's room and their musical instruments into the wagon. Then they started out. Gabby and her aunt rode in the back of the wagon, while Jolene sat next to her uncle as he drove the wagon.

"You have always been so kind to us Uncle Paul," Jolene whispered.

"I only wish I had done more Jody."

"You kept us fed until I was old enough to work in the cheese house. Why does everyone in the village hate me so? I'm not a witch, and if I were I would never hurt anyone."

"Remember when the plague hit, you were almost fourteen."

"Yes, I was so scared."

"Under imperial law anyone left crippled or unable to work must be euthanized."

"I remember the cries in the night of those left in the snow to die. They wanted to take my mom and sister away."

"You stood up to the village elders and said no. You shamed them Jo. You had the audacity to do what was right. Because of that they hate you."

"They murdered all those who were sick. I don't know how they can live with themselves."

"They blame you, it's easier them admitting their guilt. I can't tell you how proud of you your aunt and I are, how much we love you."

"I love you too, we are family, family forever."

"You are destined for great things Jody, I am grateful the gods have allowed me a chance to get to know you."

"I'm just a girl...a simple pioneer girl...why me?"

"No idea, it just is. I'll tell Edward that you have left."

"I hope he kept enough money to reach me. Where will I end up?"

"In the republic, our little band of pioneers had hoped to relocate to the republic but the emperor forbade us to leave. So we came north just far enough to be free of the imperial heavy hand."

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