Chapter 31 Provoking a Fight

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Jolene was in full flight dress, Blue stood next to her saddled and ready. She knelt and took Gabby and Ana into her arms. "I will love you both forever." Gabby and Ana were sobbing.

"You are coming back Mom?" Ana whispered.

"With all my heart I want to come back. Just remember we are family forever, whatever happens I will always be close."

"Say you'll come back," Gabby sobbed.

"I will try, but I can't promise. Promise me you'll be nice to your Dad, he loves you both very much." Gabby and Ana nodded and she kissed them both on the cheek then stood. "Well Eddie, I'm off to start a war!"

Edward stepped closer and held her tight. "I love you Jo," his voice cracked and he was rendered speechless.

"A last kiss to see me off?" Edward was unable to contain his tears as he gently kissed her lips. "I will love for always," she whispered. Then turning she mounted her dragon and ten dragon riders took to the sky flying in a tight "V" they entered the void and arrived several miles from the imperial dragons encampment. Jolene sent the Wyvern ahead as surveillance and open a large map she had prepared. "The caldera is here," she said pointing at the map. If we come in from the south we can land in hard sand just in front of the surrounding wall. The wall is much higher on the south ridge. Any dragons following will be unable to bring their harpoon guns to bear and will simply over fly us. The caldera is too narrow to try a landing from the west or the east, and there's the spine to contend with.

"What then," Gemma asked.

"We dismount and wait here," she said pointing. "The imperial dragons will either circle around and come in from the south to land here or simply attempt to land. The rock face is very close and it will be a very hard landing and their guns will be all facing away."

"How do we prevent them from coming in from the north?" Elodia asked.

"We wind shift," Jolene said, "we need a very strong wind coming out of the north, strong enough to keep them from approaching from that direction as it would simply push then past the caldera. And to give them reason to attempt a steep landing against the north wall. They will not be as skilled as our dragons."

"How about a nice gale?" Adrianna teased.

"That would be perfect." The witches stood together holding hands, turning the wind and increasing its speed. "Elodia, it's your call."

"Dragon riders...mount up!" They waited until the Wyvern signaled that all the dragons were out of their cages and saddled up. Then taking to the sky they flew low and fast reaching the imperial dragons and circling dropped their bladders filled with foul smelling fluids. The bladders hit the high priest and priestess and several dragon riders. They immediately mounted their dragons in hot pursuit.

The imperial dragons were unable to match the speed of the other dragons as they were directed to the caldera. The Wyvern flew tightly with the imperial dragons continuing their message that true freedom was at hand and arrangements would be made to remove the mouth wires. With the southern wall of the caldera ahead Elodia's wing began to climb, then as they crossed the wall stalled their flight and dropped quickly to the floor of the caldera. By extending their wings fully the dragon arrested their fall landing gently on the hard floor. Several of the imperial dragons attempted to land and crashed into the north wall, others seeing the others crash circled and coming in low and slow landed in a jumble facing the wrong direction. Jolene and her comrades were standing in a group in front of their dragons. "Break the chains!" Jolene shouted. Acting in unison the witches directed the breaking spell. There was a loud boom as the chain links shattered sending bits of sharp steel into any of the imperial dragon riders unfortunate enough to be close. As soon as the chains broke the saddles and harpoon guns mounted on the dragons fell useless to the ground along with the riders.

"FREEDOM IS YOURS!" Jolene shouted. But the dragons, confused and terrified stood their ground. Then other dragons began to land on the ridge of the caldera.

"Loki!" Gemma whispered and pointed.

"Now what!" Jolene said. She was panicking that her plan would fail.

"Come with us," Loki said, "We are free, no one controls us or our destiny." One by one the imperial dragons rose in the sky. Some of them receiving a cruel shock from the electric prod held by the dragon riders. But within minutes all the imperial dragons were circling overhead with the wild dragons watching. Over half the dragon riders were killed or injured in either the crashes or by falling off their mounts.


Back in Novi the families of the dragon riders waited in silence. They managed to get the children fed with the help of the dynamic five (Gabby, Allie, Ellie, Eryka and Ana)but little else done.

"Eli," Edward said, "Is this how it always is when they fly off."

"Each time I'm terrified of losing Odie, terrified of suddenly being alone and left to father three children."

"I know how you feel," David added, "but this is the worse yet, we have never faced this degree of peril." Andrew, Peter and Matthew were huddled together talking quietly. The prospect of going from newlywed to widower praying their mind.

"I think the girls have the right idea," Eli suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Edward asked.

"We need to do something, stop waiting and do something."

"Like what?"

"Girls," Eli shouted, "Should we go horseback riding." The response was overwhelming support for the activity. Working together all available ponies and horses were saddled and James' large wagon hitched to the draft horses and everyone mounted a horse with the very young in the wagon. "Shall we have a word of prayer first," Eli said.

"I want to say it," Gabby volunteered.

"Yes, Gabby go ahead," Edward said softly.

"Please Mommy and Daddy god bless our ride, and bring all our Mommies home to us. Dads are OK but we really need our Moms."

"That was wonderful Gabby," Edward said trying hard to control his tears. Then they were off on a grand tour of Novi. No one in their community was even aware of the prophecy or the possible extinction of life on their planet. They were all going about their routines unconcerned. The group of equestrians rode greeting those they knew, enjoying the warm sun and clear sky. They returned home in time to prepare the evening meal. Walter suggested they use the large barbecue pit and make it a picnic as that would be easier. Andrew, Peter and Matthew were assigned cooking duties and received direction from Edward. James drove his wagon to the market and purchased corn on the cob and watermelons. Everyone had a job to do. Gabby and her crew were the official baby sitters.

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