Chapter 13 Coven House

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"Mom why did you get me up so early?" Jeri whined.

"So you could have hot water, Gemma always uses it all."

"Oh, did you shower already?"

"I did late last night as did Jody, so hurry and save some hot water for your sisters."

Jolene walked out of her room yawning, "Morning Addie, what should I wear to the coven?"

"I'll lend you another dress

"What about Gabby?"

"Eryka was already over asking about her."

"She's still out cold. Yesterday was her first day free of her crutches and leg braces."

"She ran and climbed trees and rode a pony. Gemma told me how active she was."

"Are we cooking breakfast?"

"Heavens no, we have a cook and a housekeeper. James come here! I want you to meet Jody. Jody this is my husband James."

"So you're the new dragon rider," James said smiling.

"MOM!" Gemma shouted from her room.

"What Gemma?"

"Do I HAVE to go with you?"

"Yes, so get dressed. You'll be carrying an egg."


"Yes Gemma."

"Me too?" Jeri asked running from the shower wrapped in a towel and dripping wet.

"Yes and Stells too," Adrianna said.

"Stells, lets shower together. We'll be ready sooner," Gemma shouted joining her sister in the shower just vacated by Jeri.

"Is it always like this in the morning?" Jolene asked.

"Actually this is a quiet day."

All the shouting and conversation had waken Gabby who was now standing in the doorway. "I'm starving!" she said. About thirty minutes later they all walked into the large kitchen.

"Maud, this is Jody and Gabby. They will be staying with us. Jody, Maud is our excellent cook, her sister is the housekeeper and her brother manages the horses."

"Well I made plenty of pancakes, also eggs and black sausage," Maud said. James was carrying Jack and put him in a booster seat and they all sat for breakfast.

"Whose turn is it to bless the food?" James asked.

"Gemma's," Jeri replied.

"Not, I said it yesterday."

"I will," Gabby said. And after James nodded his approval she did.

They finished breakfast and walked outdoors. Then they crossed the yard to Kaitlyn's home. Elly, Allie and Eryka were waiting and ran off with Gabby followed by two large dogs. They crossed the street to Elodia's and found the other dragon riders waiting. "Where's Coven House?" Jolene asked. Jolene, Gemma, Stella and Geraldine were all carrying a fleece lined canvas bag containing an egg. Jolene's had three pockets for the three small eggs.

"On Grand Isle," Elodia said. "We'll take the large ferry as all of us are going."

"Then we'll take Jody to the Shaman's Modiest for her flight uniform and some pretty dresses," Theodora said happily.

"I have limited funds," Jolene said.

"We have that covered," Theodora said, "And then we'll visit the Capital Inn Baths."

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