Chapter 15 Lost Child

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They walked unchallenged through the village gates wrapped in their hooded capes. "It looks so very different, I do not remember the gates or the wall." Theodora said softly.

"It feels different too," Elodia whispered, "not at all friendly."

"Don't look Teddie but there's a ragged little girl following us trying not to be seen," Jolene said.

"Teddie, you should not be here!" a familiar voice said.

"MOLLY, I had to visit," Theodora hugged the older woman.

"Things have changed, for the worse I'm afraid. The mine director and his family were murdered. Many others simply disappeared."


"The emperor ordered it. We had the most output of gold and silver of any other mine but he wanted greater output and put someone else in charge. They killed a tenth of the village people just to make sure we go along."

"Look, there's that little girl again," Jolene whispered.

"She has been running wild since the takeover," Molly said. "No one seems to be able to catch her. They have tried. The village has been ordered under penalty of death not to feed her."

"Are you being obedient?" Theodora whispered.

"Hell No," Molly said softly whispering, "I feed her regularly."

"Who is she?"

"I think she's Ana."

"The old mine director's daughter?" Theodora said, now watching the child closely. "I remember a talkative child with long curly blond hair. She's got to be almost nine by now."

"Let's go to my house," Molly said. "Ana will follow. She's a regular guest. I keep a window unlocked and she sleeps at my home too."

"Molly, you have the softest heart," Theodora said.

"I just got into the habit of feeding lost girls since meeting you Teddie."

"What would happen if you're caught?" Jolene asked.

"I don't think about it."

"Oh, Molly, this is Jody my newest sister."

"Jody," Molly nodded, "Ella I know, and you adopted her." Theodora nodded.

"This is Allie, my oldest daughter," Susan said, "Eryka and Gabby are the other two."

"Gabby is my little sister," Jolene added.

"So how many dragon riders."

"Seven with dragons, three more with eggs ready to hatch," Susan said.

"Molly is the most bestest cook in the whole world!" Theodora said.

"Let's stop at the market," Molly said, "got a gaggle of hungry girls to feed."

"I'm buying groceries," Theodora said, "so get at least a weeks' worth." The entered Molly's home and assisted in the preparation of the food. "You make the most wonderful beef stew."

"Thank you, thought I would make that for tonight."

"I'll make the pies," Jolene added, "Gabby you can help."

"That means you other three can make the biscuits," Molly said to Allie, Elly and Eryka. The delicious smells of the cooking filled the house as the meal neared completion. Then without a sound or warning, a very wary Ana was in the kitchen.

"Where's your husband?" Theodora asked.

"He was one of those killed."

"Molly, I'm so sorry. Your sons?"

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