Chapter 23 Fire and Ice

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Mom, you have done wonders with this place!"

"Thank you Jody, you and Ed found us a really nice place. The roof garden will go here. Thank you for all the potted miniature fruit trees."

"I purchased a ton of them for our garden, I just put some it pots," Jolene said.

"I love having flowers, it's quite a bit warmer here on the coast than in Fareast."

"You'll have to have us over for a diner in the garden come spring."

"Can we visit the shop now?" Edward asked.

"Lead the way. You coming Mom?"

"Suppose so, Ed seems really excited to show you something." They walked through the residence and descended the stairs to the shop area."

"How come you didn't go on the house tour Dad?" Jolene asked, "Already seen everything and I was putting some finishing touches on Ed's special project."

"First things first Jody, are you carrying your gun?" Jolene smiling with mischief lifted her skirt and slip exposing the derringer strapped to her thigh.

"Are you going to frisk me?"

"I might later," Edward said laughing. "Remember when you said you wanted a revolver?"


"Well we have two for you and holsters that you can wear on your outer thighs when in uniform."

"Not sure what the coven will say, but they look beautiful Ed."

"Mathilda and Ruth like the idea."

"The holsters are black, what's this design embossed in the holster?"

"A tiger paw, we have that on the gun handle-thingy too." Jolene laughed at his tease.

"The guns are black too!"

"Shall we shoot them?" they walked through the shop and entered the shooting gallery.

"Each gun can holds six bullets, but only load five chambers and leave the hammer on the open chamber so the gun doesn't accidentally discharge if you drop it. Go ahead and squeeze off a few rounds." Jolene fired off at least fifty rounds most of them dead on target.

"Alright, let's go to lunch," Craig said.

"You sure Dad," Edward asked.

"You've been feeding us for the last three weeks, so it's my turn."

"The girls are still in the roof garden, lets collect them," Jolene said.

They were sitting together eating battered cod and thin sliced fried potatoes. "Are you girls sure you don't want to try tartar sauce?"

"I like ketchup," Gabby said.

"Your dog is huge," Mari said.

"Wolfy is half wolf!" Ana volunteered.

"I think Wolfy as all wolf," Craig said, "it's those upright ears, yellow eyes and the fact it never barks or wags it tail that tell me it's got very little dog blood."

"Wolfy talks to us," Gabby said with her mouth still full from her last bite.

"She is a very gentle animal," Edward said. "I've watched the kids pulling its ears and ridding it, Wolfy seems totally willing to go along with it."

"I love Wolfy!" Ana added. "She likes to play with Teddie's and Addie's dogs too, they have bear dogs. They have white eyes like people."

"Wolfy has dragon eyes," Gabby said.

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