Chapter 2

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A/N Before we began I just wanted to give a shout out to asia826 and SolarAquarion for voting on and reading this story! Thank you, that really means a lot! Ok,enough talking! Here is the story! :)

Dipper POV

 Pinetree? Why would he nickname me pinetree? I shrugged and decided to go back home. I pulled out my phone and put in Kill's number. By the time I got back to the Shack it was already dark. 

Grunkle Stan stood outside, waiting angrily. After being shouted at for a couple of minutes and a couple of eyerolls, I headed back to my room to get some rest. I wonder what Kill's up to tonight. 

 I sighed and tried to get some sleep. My mind kept on going back to Kill for some reason. He was good looking and doesn't seem to back off when I snap at him. I smiled as I remembered the past event. Maybe we can meet up some time during the summer? Wait! No! I can't fall for someone again. It did not work out the last time so what makes me think Kill could accept me? Hell,I don't even know the guy! I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

Who is the real Kill Cipher?

Kill POV

I coughed up some blood as I was kicked again in the stomach. "Show me! Show me now,cipher!" I looked up at a teen boy who has found out my true form. "I c-can't" I growled. It was becoming hard for me to contain my true self. What is wrong with this kid? 

"You are a pathetic DEMON!" he shouted the last part and kicked me hard again on the stomach. I couldn't hold it anymore. I grinned as I clutched my stomach in pain. I chuckled but that chuckle soon turned into laughter. "A pathetic demon you say?" I smirked as I saw the fear in his eyes when my fists burst into red flames,"Well,this demon is going to show you who he really is!" He turned to run but I grabbed him from the back of the neck. He gasped as I whispered in his ear.

"See you in hell."

Dipper POV

"Dipper! Wake up,you are not going to believe this!", I groaned and rose up from my bed. "What is it Mabel? Can't you see I'm sleeping?" Mabel was next to my bed holding a newspaper. What could be so important that she had to wake me up at this time? Wait. Time? I reached for my phone and checked the time. My eyes widened,"5:30! Mabel! Why did you wake me up at this time!" She had one eyebrow raised and was tapping her foot.

 "Are you done?" I pretended to think about it and nodded. She smiled and showed me the newspaper. "I was outside,getting ready for my morning run when I noticed a cute newspaper boy coming over here. As usual,I flirted with him and we talked but then he handed me the paper and left. I decided to read it when something catches my eyes." She handed me the paper and I looked it over. Oh my god!

"Dipper, there is a murderer in Fight Falls."

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