Chapter 10

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A/N HI! I want to thank everyone for commenting and voting on this! i'm so happy! I want to give a shoutout to SheaMarie12,yiaqeelah, and Alphysanimelol! Thank you guys for everything! I am feeling really good today so I have written a long chapter! Here it is! :)

Dipper POV

~The next day~

"Hey dipper?",Kill looked over at an upset looking Dipper Pines. "What is it, kill?",I groaned and set down my journal. After the argument with Mabel, I locked myself up in my room. Kill suddenly appeared and has been trying to get me to sleep. I stayed up till morning. Now,I was writing in my journal at my desk and Kill lay on my bed. "Do you hate me?',kill continued to look over at dipper. I set down my pencil and turned to look at him. His face was serious and tired. I glared at him,still remembering the events that happened the other night. "At the moment,yes."


Oh? Is that all? I suddenly remembered what he told me the other night. I got up and reached for my pocket knife. "Dipper?",I turned around and gasped. He was standing over me now. What was he planning to do? "Y-you murdered t-that guy?",I backed up. He took a step forward. His eyes seemed to drift away. "Yeah. I know. But it wasn't me",kill pinned me against the wall,"It was my demon side." I tried to stay calm but inside I was scared. 

Here I was. Being pinned against the wall by a demon. "K-kill?",I pushed him away a bit,"C-can you stop?" Kill's face was close to mine. He stopped and looked at my eyes. "I'm so sorry",kill pulled me into a tight hug. It surprised me but soon I was hugging back. I didn't want to let go and I felt like he didn't want to either. There was a knock on the door,making Kill and I jump a bit. "W-who is it?",I called out. "It's me,your grunkle." 

I sighed and looked over at kill. Man,he was hot. He smiled and kissed my forehead,"See you soon,my little fighting tree." I blushed. He snapped  his finger and disappeared. "Come in",I sat down on my bed and watched as Grunkle Stan opened the door. He walked in and closed the door behind him.  "Look,dipper. We need to talk."

Kill Cipher

I nearly killed Dipper's twin sister! I messed up so bad. I was still blushing from kissing him on the forehead. He was just so adorable that I couldn't resist. I flew out the window and headed towards town. I didn't care if people saw me flying around. They would end up dead anyways. 

I glided down towards the forest. Who knows what I can find in there? I landed softly and walked down the old path. It was quiet. Too quiet. "What are you doing here?"

I turned around to see the guy that dipper was with the other night. "None of your business",I groaned and continued to walk away. "You know,you can't win his heart",tad smirked,"He is already mine." I stopped and clenched my fists. He's just trying to get to me. "People like you are disgusting",I growled and turned around. His smirk disappeared and turned into a frown. "People like you don't deserve someone like dipper." He glared at me,"So you are saying that demon's are disgusting beings and can't be with dipper?" I froze. He can't be a demon? Can he?

"Yes Kill Cipher. I am a demon",he started glowing purple. His clothes suddenly changed and now he was wearing a black and purple tuxedo. "Why do you want him?",I felt a strong energy coming from him. He smiled,"I need all the dipper's in order to finish the cruxifa." What the hell was that? What did he mean by 'all the dipper's'? 

"You wouldn't understand now but later on you will",he grinned and pulled out a long cane,"Of coarse,I can't have you cipher's get in my way!" I dodged the purple blazing ball of fire that he threw at me. What was this guy talking about? Was he planning to hurt dipper? 

The sun started going down as I continued to run back to the shack. Tad has been chasing me for a while but I think  I lost him a while back. "Kill? Hey! There you are!" Dipper was on the porch with a huge grin on his face. I can't let Tad take him away. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Whoa! What was that for?",he pulled away and smiled. "It was nothing",I smiled back,resisting the urge to kiss him.

What is Tad planning?

A/N Hey everyone! So I want to say that the Gravity Falls stories I'm writing are basically connected to one another! Just want to drop that hint out in case anyone gets confused! If you have any questions feel free to ask! 

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