Chapter 6

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A/N I wasn't just gonna leave all you guys wondering! I am not that cruel. :) I feel good today so another chapter! Shout out to DecipherTheCipher! 

Dipper POV


"I'm glad you still recognize me",tad smiled. "How can I forget you?",I joked. We continued to talk until Mabel came back. "Well,look at that! You met someone",she winked at me and I blushed. Tad saw and chuckled,"You know,you were so adorable when you blushed." My face felt hot. "Stop",I whined. He laughed and handed me a piece of paper,"Call me?"

"Of coarse!",I said excitedly. I realized what I said and coughed,"I mean,yeah sure I guess." He smiled and waved. I waved back and walked with Mabel. "He was your childhood and junior year friend,right?",she hugged me,"Oh,bro-bro! You found love!" I pushed her off playfully,"Come on Mabel. We are just friends." 

"Friends",she quoted the 'friends' part with her fingers. I rolled my eyes and smiled. She never failed to cheer me up. "Can you help me find some knitting materials please?",Mabel pleaded. I nodded and we walked off to the knitting store. I waited patiently for her as she paid for her stuff. We did our shopping and left the mall. We decided to walk since it wasn't that far. 

A black shining car pulled up next to us and the driver rolled down the window. "Do you need a ride?" It was Tad. "Uh-",before I could say no,Mabel was already jumping into the backseat. I opened the front passenger seat door and got in. I closed the door and buckled my seat belt. "Thanks tad",I gave him a small smile and he blushed slightly. He looked away,"No problem." 

~~~A few minutes later~~~

"Thanks for the ride,tad",I got out of the car and helped Mabel out. "No prob,dipper",he smiled,then his face looked a bit nervous,"Um,I wanted to ask..maybe we can hang out later?" Mabel squealed,"Say yes dipper! Please!" I turned to look at her with disbelieve but then turned to tad's pleading eyes. I sighed,"Sure." Tad gave a breath of relief,"So I'll pick you up at 6?" I nodded and drove away. 

"We need to get you ready! Lets go!", Mabel grabbed her bags and my hand. She pulled me inside the shack and into my room. "Oh my gosh! My brother is going on a date!",she looked over at my closet full of clothes. "Mabel,it's not a date",I caught all the clothes she was throwing back. "It is so a date",she pulled up a plaid shirt with a nice pair of black jeans,"These look nice. Put these on." I decided to stop arguing since I can never win an argument with Mabel. I learned that the hard way. 

"Now let's do something with your hair",Mabel ran out to get some materials.

This was going to be a long day.

~~~Another time skip because I am still a lazy~~~

"You look amazing!",tad was dressed up nicely and was gazing at me as I walked down the stairs. "Please,I'm only wearing a plaid shirt with black jeans",I tried to reason but he continued to stare. I gave up and walked with him out the door. Mabel stood out on the porch,"Use safety!",she called out. I blushed and turned to look at her. She shrugged and went back inside. Tad opened the passenger door and held out a hand. I politely took it and got inside. 

He closed the door behind me and got into the driver's seat. "I know the perfect place",he smiled.

~~~You guys already know -_- ~~~

"So you go here a lot?",I decided not to wait for tad to open the door for me and got out instead. Tad nodded and looked up at the sign,"Greasy's diner." 

"The best place for pancakes! I remember kill brin-",I stopped talking. Kill brought me here on our date,or what I liked to call it a date. I sighed and Tad looked over at me worriedly,"Are you ok?" I quickly snapped out of it,"Yeah! Let's just go in." He nodded and opened the front door for me. I walked in and the smell of hot pancakes filled the air. I know it was late at night but it can never be too late for pancakes. We picked out a small table and talked. "So dipper?",he chuckled,"are we this a,um," I froze. Damn it! I don't want to think of him that way! "I don't know. Is it?",I looked down,nervously. "It could be if you wanted." 

"Look,tad. I just don't like you that way. I'm sorry",I tried to think of another thing to say but no words left my mouth. "It's ok",tad drank from his soda. I looked up surprised. "I just want your permission",he looked into my eyes very seriously. "For what?",I asked.

"For your love."

"I don't know."

"Just give me a chance and some time to win your heart",he begged. I was feeling a little uncomfortable. "Ok,i guess",I finally said. Tad smiled,"Thank you! You don't know how happy I am." Our number was called. "I'll be right back",tad got up and went to pick up the food. I waited patiently for him to come back.

"Dipper? I didn't know you would be here."

I turned around to face Kill. Crap,I thought. "I was just at your place to apologize but no one answered so I came here to eat some of Susan's delicious pancakes." He smiled making me feel those weird butterfly's in my stomach again. "So are you here alone?"

"He's with me."

I looked up to see tad with our food but he did not look so happy. "And who the hell are you?",kill said angrily but tried to keep his cool. "My name is Tad Strange",tad growled,"why are you here? and why are you talking to dipper?" Kill grinned evilly,"~Because I'm free to talk to anyone I want to." 

"Oh yeah?"

"Of coarse,square!"

"What the hell does that mean!? My name is Tad!"

"Oops! Sorry,I forgot my mistake"

This was a mistake.

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