Chapter 12

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Dipper POV

"Fuck! Kill that hurts! Just pull it out!"

"Maybe if you hold still it won't hurt as much! Besides you wanted to do this."

"I know! I thought I was ready."

"Well. It has to be quick. Hold on this is going to hurt."

"Just freaking pull it!",I cried out. Kill ripped off the band aid fast and painfully. I yelped and rubbed my elbow. "Why do you have to be such a crybaby dipper?",kill threw away the band aid and watched as I got up from the kitchen chair. "Hey! Don't call me a baby!",I pouted playfully and kill chuckled.

It has been a week and Kill has been staying over with us. He wouldn't say why so I stopped asking and instead went monster hunting with him. We just got back and I decided to rip out a 1 week old band aid. Of course, I was to scared to do it myself so he volunteered to help me get rid of it. I looked over at the old scar. It looked like I got caught into a fight.

"Don't get any ideas",kill walked over to me and playfully punched my arm.

"What!? But it's been a while and I feel up to it",I punched the air and pretended like I was fighting someone. I suddenly felt a strong force hit me below the stomach and I fell to the ground. "W-what was that?",I held a hand over where the person hit me.

"You are not getting into more fight. Right,dipper?", a familiar raspy voice growled. I looked up at grunkle Stan and glared at him,"So what if I am? Who are you to stop me?" I saw Kill's face come up in alarm. He looked over at grunkle Stan then at me with a worried expression.

"I'll show you how I will stop you."

~A few hours later~

"Stop! No! Please! I promise I won''t fight again! Please just stop!",I cried out in fear. Grunkle Stan had my journal on his left hand and a lit match on his right.

Kill was standing behind grunkle Stan and snickering. I glared at him and he turned the other way,smiling. "Promise me you won't go and fight?",grunkle Stan growled. I put my hands behind my back. "Promise",I grinned.

Grunkle Stan glared at me and returned my journal. I uncrossed my fingers and grabbed the journal. Grunkle Stan grunted and left the room.

"You should listen to your grunkle", kill crossed his arms and leaned against the sofa. I rolled my eyes,"Since when do I listen to my grunkle?"

Kill shook his head and walked out of the room. I clutched my journal tighter and walked up the stairs to my room.

I put down my journal and sighed.


I jumped and turned around. Mabel stood by the door. Her face showing no expression. We haven't talked since that day kill and I attacked her.

"Hey",I responded. "So? How are you?",she entered the room slowly and sat down on my bed. "Good. It's been good. How about you?",I said awkwardly. Why is it so hard to talk with Mabel.

"Look, about the day you attacked me"Mabel sighed,"why did you do it?"

Her eyes were filled with sadness and betrayal. I started to feel a little bad.

"I don't know if you will believe me",I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. I leaned against my desk and watched as she looked down at her lap.

"Just tell me and I will say if I believe you",she whispered loud enough so I can hear her. An awkward silence filled the air.

I took a deep breath and said,"Kill is a demon that can now posses me and when he does I can't do anything about it but try and maintain control. He wanted to hurt you with my body but I fought against. I don't know what he is planning to do but I will do my best in keeping him away from you if you want",I closed my eyes in hopes that Mabel will still be there when I open them,"I won't let him hurt you again."

I opened my eyes and waited. Mabel's face stayed expressionless and for a long time did nothing. Then, she got up and left the room with no explanation.

Fight Falls AU {BOOK 1_BillDip Series}Where stories live. Discover now