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A/N you all forgot one character! He will be important in one of the other stories. Always keep on a lookout!

Gary POV
It's been a week since the man in a purple suit came to make a deal. I grabbed my bag and took a deep breath as I looked down at the button. The button that will change my future.

"You hate Dipper....don't you?",the man grinned. I froze. How did he know? "I know lots of things human",he held out a hand,"if you hate him as much as I do....then help me kill him and a few others."

I did hate Dipper. I hated him so much. "C'mon kid! I'll give you anything in return."


I grinned and accepted his hand. I got up and faced him. "I accept."

"Great! Now listen here...."

~end of flashback~

I pushed the button which opened up a portal.

The names Tad Strange.

"This better work Tad",I muttered as I entered the portal. He promised me. If I go through with this.....I will get him back. I will get dIpper back for what he did to me all those years.


Fight Falls AU {BOOK 1_BillDip Series}Where stories live. Discover now