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Lilian sat on her office chair absent mindedly looking at the mahogany furniture around her. She would look at the door then tilt her head and look at the floor. Though in her thirties she still looked like a twenty year old girl. "Where did he hide it?" She rhetorically asked her self. Then she saw a news paper with the headline "A new drug for Virus V discovered". The news paper was dated 5th may 2017 that was eleven years ago.

Before she could read the whole article she was cut short by a ring on her phone. "madam you have a guest," a female voice on the phone said. "Show him in," she said placing the newspaper under her computers keyboard. Her usual guest had arrived. The only person who was allowed to enter her office without any appointment.

Mr. Kaddy Marshal rendered the office with a large fake smile on his face. He wasn't good at pretending. She looked at him and asked him "any good news for me today?" With ten years experience as a lawyer answering questions was part of his job so he cooked an answer in his fast lawyer mind. "We are almost on a breakthrough, the girl is the only person who can open the files," he said.

Lilian was used to bossing people around and Kaddy would be no exception. With a stern look in her face and a change in tone she asked him to go away and not to return without facts. She was furious. "Stupid lawyers, always in for the money," she said as she ordered her secretary to block all her appointments.

She then went back to reading the article. In the article Dr. Alex Chile was said to have discovered a cure, a cure for every ailment in the world. It was a scientific revolution. But that was eleven years ago and Dr. Alex Chile was no more.

The girl had to unlock the encrypted file. Lilian glanced at paper once more and threw it into her garbage bin. The information was of no use to her. The girl was her main agenda.

"What was in the file..."

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