Chapter 7

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Marley was writing something in her notebook on the couch when I return home. She closed her book as soon as I walked in. She glanced at me and the moment her eyes met mine, butterflies fluttered in my stomach. It made me nervous a little when Tayvon was also staring at me where he was sitting beside Marley.

“How’s your headache?” I asked.

“It’s okay.” Marley stood up from the couch. “Um, I’m going to my room.”

I watch her walk out of the room, my heart sinking in my chest. I glanced over at Tayvon who hadn’t taken his eyes off me.

“What are you staring at?” I asked him.

Chloe walked into the room. “She still isn’t talking to you?”

I shook my head.

“I tried to get her to talk about what happen, but she still isn’t talking.”

I walked over to the couch and sat down. “We need to get her to tell us soon so we can find the killer.”

Chloe joined me, picking up Tayvon and placed it onto her lap. “I know. Chief called me today. He is really pissed that we haven’t got Marley to talk.”

“I bet her notebook holds all of what happened, but I don’t know which book it is.”

“Maybe she hasn’t written it down.”

“Maybe. But how do we get her to tell us? She keeps avoiding the question when we ask her.”

“Eventually she has to tell us and she knows it.”

I nodded, knowing that Chloe was right. Eventually she has to tell us. I can understand how she must be scared, but in the end if she wants us to capture him, she has to tell us. I still wanted whoever that son of a bitch was who killed my father captured. He had gotten away and I have no idea who he was since his face was hidden behind a mask.

I remember after Dad was killed, I was terrified for a while about going anywhere at night, afraid the killer was going to come back for me. Chief Parker organised counselling for me to get over what happened. For a couple of days I didn’t want to tell anyone what happened, but eventually I had to tell someone in order for the killer to be captured. The FBI is still looking for him and I hope he will be captured soon.

Maybe that will help Marley. Maybe if she goes to counselling, it might help her tell someone about the murder.

“You know sometimes I want to tell Marley who we really are so she won’t feel so scared and open up to us,” I said to Chloe. Out of all the people I have helped, Marley is the only one who won’t let me help her.

“You know we can’t, Noah.”

“I know.”

“When the time comes we can tell her, but that’s not until we find the killer.”

“Yeah,” I answered softly.

Chloe put down Tayvon and then turned my face towards her so I was facing her. “Hey, cheer up. It’s not the end of the world.”

I smiled at her and kissed her softly.

“Hey, I was thinking that we all should go out to dinner tonight.”

“Sounds good to me.”

We waited for Eric and J.J. to come home so we could go. Marley didn’t want to come but Chloe encouraged her to come.

We headed to downtown L.A. Marley didn’t move from the car when I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. She seemed terrified about something. I told Chloe and the others to go in while I stayed with Marley, trying to find a way to get out of my car. I climbed into the back seat with Marley. We sat there in silence for a few seconds before I broke it.

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