Chapter 1: The text

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*Harry's POV*

I looked at myself in the mirror, tentalizing curls, great smile I was every girl's dream but only one girl was my dream. I pulled out my wallet and looked at the picture of Maddie and I, a goofy grin spread across my face. I had my hand wrapped around her waist, our foreheads touching and we were both grinning ear to ear. Louis had taken it, that cheeky bastard. I looked at the time, six o'clock in the mirror. I had told the guys I would meet them at the airport, I didn't want Maddie stuck in an hour long car ride to an airport with her ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend. I stuck my wallet back in my pocket, and grabbed a notepad from the coffee table. I wrote my mom and sister a note,

"Dear mum, didn't want to wake you. I juss wanted to say I'm leaving, i'll see you in like months so I luv yu and Gemma and Robin, bye love Harry" I looked at the note and felt emotion welling up in my chest, I would miss all of them. I stuck the note on the refrigerator and grabbed my keys. I looked at my house then walked out the door, England/Ireland tour. Here we come.

When I pulled up to Maddie's house all the lights were off besides the one in her room, I flet myself blushing at the thought of Maddie naked in her room. I shook my head, no Harry this was your girlfriend not some booty call. I walked out of the car and knocked on the door quietly and then I heard small footsteps, then they got closer. Maddie pulled the door open, she was smiling and she looked beautiful. She was wearing a t-shirt that said, "My Perfect Boyfriend" and my picture on it, yes I had bought it for her. She was also wearing capri pants and sandals, her hair was tied up and as usual she took my breath away. I walked in and hugged her,

"Are you ready?" I asked her and she shook her head,

"I have to finish packing, I mean six months gone." She explained and I nodded, she had a point there. I walked in after her and she started humming a tune and she turned to me then stopped and turned around,

"You didn't give me a good morning kiss." She said devilishly and I grinned,

"Well, don't mind if I do." I advanced towars her but she stepped out of the way and laughed,

"You gotta catch these lips to kiss 'em." She said, clearly in a playful mood today. I laughed and I started chasing her but she ran into her room and closed the door. I tried pulling open the door but I realized that she had locked the door, making it impossible to get to her.

"Baby, open the door." I said and I heard her laugh,

"You gotta beg." I heard her coax me and I groaned,

"You know if we're late, Paul is gonna kill me." I explained and she giggled,

"Let him." she said and I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe I was going to have to beg my own girlfriend to let me kiss her,

"Please Maddie baby, without your lips I won't survive." I said, meaning it. I heard her laugh out loud again, why was she so bubbly today?

"Are you on your knees?" She asked and I smiled, she couldn't see me technically.

"Yes, Maddie I am on my knees." I lied and I heard her groan,

"You're a liar! I can see your feet!" She cried out and I rolled my eyes, well I'm not the smartest apple in the tree. I descended down onto my knees and I sighed,

"Happy now?" But, before she could open the door her father opened his door and he looked down at me with sleepy eyes. He sighed and shook his head,

"Harry, what are you doing on your knees? Are you proposing to my daughter?" He asked me and I smiled sheepishly,

"Not exactly." I laughed and he shook his head,

"Teenagers." He muttered and he walked into his room. I heard Maddie stiffling a laugh, then she opened her door looking me in the eye,

"You okay?" She asked me and I looked at her,

"I think I'm fine." She grinned showing her pearly whites. She reached up on her tip-toes and kissed me then pulled away. I looked at her,

"You call that a kiss?" I scooped her up in my arms and kissed her, making it linger. When we both pulled away we were breathless and I winked at her. She blushed and grabbed her luggage,

"Let's go." We both walked out of the house and I watched her move in front of me and started getting nasty thoughts, what was the matter with me?

*Maddie's POV*

I think I fell asleep in Harry's car but I was awakened by screams, and yelling and all out chaos. I fluttered my eyes open and realized that we were already near the plane and rfans were outside the gate, holding up signs and yelling. I smiled, these fans were so dedicated. A cheauffeur opened the door for me and I thought that was silly, but who was I to protest. I walked out and smiled,

"Thank you." I said and he tipped his hat at me, I rolled my eyes. How cliche, couldn't they talk? I watched as some fans smiled at me, while some fans gawked and took pictures. Well this was pleasing, note the sarcasm. Before, I knew it Harry was by my side, hands around me and trying to get me into the jet. When we finally got in, he seemed exhausted. I looked at him and snorted,

"I think you need to start working out, Curly." I palyfully hit him in the stomach and he laughed. I looked forward and realized everyone was in the jet, the band and Niall's new girlfriend Kye. She was the fan that he had flirted with at the cotillion, I didn't care though. She was a pretty nice.

"Woooo! Harry and Maddie are here finally!" He yelled and Paul walked out from the back and he looked at Harry,

"What took you so long?" He asked and Harry blushed then pointed to me playfully, my mouth dropped and I giggled nervously.

"Sorry Paul." I said and the man shrugged, his friendly face smiling. Harry and I walked down the aisle and sat down next to each other. I looked around, Zayn was asleep, Niall was talking to Kye, Liam was on his phone and Louis was playing Temple Run. He was trying to beat Harry's high score, that was pretty impossible. Harry was a freaking ninja at Temple Run. I looked at Harry,

"So, would you ever actually propose to me?" I asked and he laughed,

"Of course. What kind of question is that?" He asked me and I shrugged, rubbing my temple,

"You seemed kind of shocked when my dad asked you." I replied and he smiled, his dimples showing.

"Well of course, I was on my knees in front of your door beggin you to kiss me, that's kind of a nerve-wrecking experience." He explained and I laughed,

"My dad is not that scary." I replied and he nodded,

"Yeah but I'm dating his daughter, don't you think he has a tad bit hate for me in the back of his mind?" He asked me and I nodded,

"Very true. But, he's known you forever he doesn't hate you." Harry nodded like he didn't belive me and I grinned. That's when the plane started to move and I grabbed Harry's hand. I wasn't scared of flying but I was scared of the take-off process. Harry sqeezed my hand and I watched as we were off the ground and the fans slowly turned into little ants in the background.

In the middle of the airplane ride Harry was asleep and I was on my phone, on my twitter. Harry had convinced me to make one, to interact with the fans. I liked the fans, they were sweet. Well except for the ones who hated my guts, other then that they were awesome. Then, I heard Harry's phone ding with a text message. I looked at him still asleep and I grabbe dhis phone, don't get me wrong I was not trying to snoop at his phone but we did this all the time. It was probably Louis, he always texted Harry even when they were in the same vehicle. I looked up at Harry and he was on his phone, so it was probably him. I opened the phone and looked at the text message it wasn't from Louis,

"Hey, are you in Doncaster yet? Can't wait to see you, we'll have lots of fun ;)- Natalie"



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