Chapter 28: Marriage, baby and FINALE!

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Author's Note: Hi guys! So, this is it! Haha, last chapter. If I don't make the prequel I wanna say thank you so much for reading you guys kept this story alive! Even if I do make a sequel I LOVE YU ALL! And, I might take a little writing break because I need new ideas so here we go!

*Maddie's POV*

~~8 months later~~

I stared at myself in the mirror, the long white dress cascaded down my body. It was huge, just like my belly. I thought I looked fat and ugly but the girls kept telling me how beautiful I was, I didn't feel beautiful. My makeup was done, my hair was in a bellerina bun and I didn't look completely awful but I wouldn't say I looked beautiful. I looked at my bridesmaids, Eleanor with her long model legs, Danielle with her beautiful hair, Natalie in her natural beauty and of course Gemma looking beautiful as always. There purple bridesmaids dresses fit them perfectly. I felt like my own bridesmaids were upstaging me.

"Harry will not be able to keep his hands off of you." Danielle commented and I raised my eyebrow and pointed to my belly,

"Bun in the oven." I explained and she laughed. So, here we were, my wedding day September 23, ten days after Niall's birthday. Harry had started the tour on Feburary, he wanted to stay with me in the baby but come on I think they had cancelled too much. I would go to a concert every now and then, but it felt kind of weird with my belly. I was treated like glass, which was okay at first but then everyone was stepping on eggshells around me to not hurt the baby.

We still hadn't found out the gender because we wanted to keep it a secret, if it was a girl it would most definantly be Darcy Gabriella Styles, if it was a boy it would be Nathan Styles. The girls had rented a castle which I thought was a little far-fetched, I hadn't even seen how they decorated it but I knew it was purple and pink my favorite colors.

"So, Australia huh? You scared?" Natalie asked me and I turned to the girls and shook my head,

"Only for the baby but I'm sure everything's going to be okay." I explained and Eleanor smiled,

"That dress fits you like a glove." I smiled and blushed. I was kind of the surpestitous bride so I refused to let Harry see me in this until the wedding. The girls had given me a bachlorette party around Feburary before my belly began to swell and look like a balloon. I was kind of reluctant to to let Harry have a bachelor party but Danielle made sure Liam watched him.

"Look at the blushing bride." Gemma commented and then we heard a knock. I widened my eyes, I hoped it wasn't Harry. This morning early the boys came to get him so I hadn't seen him all day,

"Who is it?" I asked and I heard my dad's voice. I smiled,

"Come in." He walked in, all official looking in his suit. When he saw me I saw him tear up and I looked at the girls and they left.

"Daddy." I choked and he came and hugged me, I knew he wanted to hug me tightly but my belly was in the way.

"You look beautiful." He said and I laughed, I wanted to disagree but I was getting all choked up. This was the man who had checked for monsters under my bed, told me weird bedtime stories that made no sense and sometimes made me cry.

"Thanks." I whispered and he sighed and stroked my face,

"You really love him, huh?" I nodded and he sighed. He was going to bring me down the aisle, I was so nervous this was being brodcasted. How about if I fainted?

"I can't believe I'm going to be a grandpa." He explained and I laughed,

"I can't believe I'm going to be a mom!" I answered and we hugged again. That's when the tears started to fall, this was it. Being an adult used to feel good but now it hurt, I was leaving my dad and my mom behind. I had the emotional moment with my mom but ever since I got pregnant my dad and I spoke but barely.

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