Chapter 7: Learn To Love Someone Else

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*Maddie's Pov*

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey so this is gonna be really short cuz im on a phone and I hate it i need someone to write the next chapter for me so inbox me guys  

*Start of story* 

As soon as those words left her glossy lips I was pushing myself out the folding chair I was sitting on and running to the nearest exit. I needed to breathe and be away from Harry and everyone staring at us. Pregnant? That little blonde she-devil was having a child? I couldn't feel anything all I could hear was the thumping of my heart.  

"Maddie!" I heard a voice scream my name, it wasn't Harry I knew that much. I didn't turn around though, I knew I would probably go godzilla on them. Then, I felt hands clasp around my abnormally skinny wrist. Before I knew it I was being turned around. It was Zayn, I groaned and tried my best to pull away but I failed miserably.

"Maddie, stop squirming we both know it's pointless." He said and I glared at him angrily,

"Don't you have fans waiting?" I spat at him and he shook his head and looked at me sadly.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes at him,

"Just peachy." I muttered angrily, with sarcasm thick in my voice. He sighed and looked down at me,

"This girl could be lying." He explained and I groaned,

"Even if she is, it just comes to prove I put up with alot of shit from Harry, and why because I love him." I said silently, more to myself then to Zayn.

"Then maybe you should try to love someone else." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows,

"Like who?" I asked but before Zayn could answer Harry appeared, these fans must be really disappointed I thought quietly to myself,

"Zayn, Maddie and I need to talk." He ordered and I laughed bitterly,

"You honestly think I want to talk to you?" I asked him and he sighed,

"Maddie this is kind of pointless we both know that you'll take me back." He said an, an annoyed voice. I stared at him then at Zayn who was standing there uncomfortablly,

"Harry, I think it's time I try to love someone else." I said then I took off I don't even know where.

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