Chapter 23: You can call me roommate

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*Maddie's POV*

I sat up on my bed as Natalie walked in with a box of make-up and a smile on her face. I raised my eyebrow, she looked to happy. Well, Harry and I had I guess you could say made-up and I decided that we could be a couple so we were in the recovery phase, weird how I say that and I'm in a hospital. Peter came to visit and I had to explain to him that we couldn't be together, he handeled it well, he didn't freak but he didn't seem to happy with me.

"Hi! Thank gosh you're awake! I seriously was getting tired of being in that dorm by myself!" She cried out and I smiled,

"Nice to know you missed me. Didn't you call Blake up to keep you company?" I asked her as she took a seat next to me and sighed then looked up at me,

"Blake and I kind of broke up." She said. I looked at her as I grabbed my Starbucks hot chocolate Harry had brought me and took a sip,

"Why?" I asked and she grinned and looked up at me,

"He's gay." I spit out my hot chocolate, I swear I almost choked. I looked at her, Blake looked like one of the most un-gay guys ever!

"How do you know?" I asked her and she stared at me than sighed,

"I found him kissing a guy, I know right. And the sad thing is they both were fine!" Natalie said and I sighed,

"I'm sorry. But guess what? Harry and I are back together, do you think I made a mistake?" I asked the blonde girl. She sighed and thought about it then said,

"Usually I would say yes but the whole three weeks you were out this kid never left, he came everyday, took a shower here just to be the first one to see you open your eyes, I think you made the right choice." She said and I nodded,

"Thanks, I just really hope so. So, Harry was telling me I got hit by a car and I know exactly who did it!" I cried and Natalie grinned,

"That is what I came here for. Kathy got what she deserved. You won't believe what I did to her!" Natalie gushed and I stared at her,

"What in the world did you do?" I asked her and she grinned then started her story...

"So, when I heard that you got hit of course I knew who it was! I mean, what other crazy bitch would push you in front of a car? Well, anyways I went straight into my hunt down Kathy mode. I mean, she was crazy, she couldn't get far! So, I went out looking for her and you won't believe where I find her! Doing someone's hair in a beauty salon!! She was still trying to pass off as a hair stylist! Anyways, since she didn't know me I called her outside, said I had a very important question to ask her. She comes and the first thing I do is smash her face against the brick wall. The next thing you know she's going crazy while I beat the hell out of her! When she passes out, I clear it! So, it's a miracle if she remembers anything." Natalie explained. I stared at her,

"Natalie! What the hell!" I squealed and she looked at me,

"What? I did this for you!" She yelled and I nodded vigorously, which hurt my neck.

"Yes, I know but I really never asked you to go beat the shit out of somebody! How about if someone saw you? You could get arrested!" I yelled and she shrugged,

"Hey, the chick pushed you in front of a car, it's worth going to jail for." I smiled and laughed,

"Isn't this weird! I mean you and I being friends is like a cat and a dog being friends." I said and she nodded than ruffled my hair,

"I got to go. I'm like missing class for this, buh-bye!" She said kissing me on the cheek and then walking out. I smiled. Ever since I woke up, I had seen everybody. All the boys, even Eleanor who was beuatiful so that kind of made my self-consciousness sky-rocket. I even saw Zayn's new girlfriend Perrie, who was also beautiful. So, Liam had a dancer for a girlfriend, Louis had a model for a girlfriend and Zayn had a singer? The only one of the guys who had a normal girlfriend was Niall but Kye was beautiful. I felt so frumpy compared to all of them.

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