Chapter 8: It's Over

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Author's Note: Hey guys still on a phone and I miss all my friends and readers! Thnx for everybody who didn't give up on me! :)

*Maddie's POV*

I really did not care at that point that I was in love with Harry Styles, I didn't care that drama followed us like slutiness followed Snooki and Zayn was sending me mixed signals when I got to that hotel room all I wanted and desprately needed was sleep. I walked into the room and collapsed onto the bed. I made sure to lock the door so that anybody under the name of Harry Styles couldn't get in there

The next morning I was awakened by a soft knock on my door,

"Harry go away!" I yelled in an irritated voice,

"Don't worry, it's Louis!" The overly-optimistic voice cried out. I raised my eyebrow in confusion Louis was a cool person but we rarely talked, all I was, was Harry's girlfriend. I crossed the room and opened the door. He was all dressed up and that's when I rememberd they had an Ellen interview.

"Yes?" I asked him, not hiding my skepticism.

"Can I come in?" He asked me, by the way he kept shuffling he looked like he was in a hurry. I opened the door a little wider and he stepped in.

"What do you want Louis?" I asked him. He looked at me with such sympathy it made me sick.

"To talk about Harry." He replied and I rolled my eyes in pure disgust,

"Who doesn't? Everywhere I go it's Harry." I muttered and he grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, it's pretty hard to get away from that handsome fellow." Louis replied jokingly. I grinned,

"What do you want Louis?" I asked with a big smile on my face, Harry was a cutie pie.

"I know what love is Maddie and no matter how hard you and Harry try you can't get away from it." He said and I groaned,

"I really didn't want to hear that Louis." I replied and he chuckled,

"I know, just don't give up on him yet." He replied and I shook my head,

"You hear that Louis, yet. That word just gets me angry! You know what that means, sometime in the near future he's gonna mess up so bad that all the crap he put me through is gonna seem ok." I replied with sadness deep in my voice,

"Heyy, it's Harry he's gonna mess up one way or another you gotta learn to take it in stride." Louis chuckled. Im smiled genuinely,

"Thanks for the optimism Louis, means alot." He kissed me on the forehead,

"Anytime little one." He said than walked out of the room.

Later that morning with a pint of Ben and Jerry's in my hand I was stretched out watching the Ellen show, I had to admit it Ellen was awesome.

"Now give it up for the boys I came to England for One Direction!" You heard screams and cries escaping the girls. The boys walked out one by one, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, then Harry. I sucked in a breath and watched him. The whole time Ellen asked questions all Harry did was nod then finally Ellen turned to him,

"So, Harry everyone is wondering what is up with you and your girlfriend?" A huge picture of me popped up on the big screen. Everyone went quiet and turned to Harry then he uttered two words I'd never forget,

"It's over."

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