Chapter 6: Is she Pregnant?

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*Maddie's POV*

Why must I pretend to be happy anymore? I clearly wasn't and Harry clearly was still clueless. I had heard them leave so I dragged myself out of bed and walked out of the room. I was about to go to the kitchen when Zayn burst through the door and I jump, dropping my phone that was in my hand. He smiled at me,

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me while he stepped closer and crouched down next to me, to help pick up the contents of my phone that had sprawled everywhere. I stared at him, Zayn was a gorgeous creature and he was nice and everything, how did he not have a girlfriend? He handed me the parts of my phone and we stood there and he sighed,

"Harry's really miserable. He won't telll us anything, just that he made a mistake." Zayn explained to me and I rolled my eyes,

"When isn't he miserable?" I asked and he sighed and looked at me,

"This is bad, I can tell. What did he do?" Zayn asked me putting a hand on my shoulder, I shrugged him off and turned away,

"What are you doing here, why don't you go to the other guys?" I snapped at him him and I heard him groan then walk out the door. Was I that difficult? I opened the refrigerator door and I grabbed some coke and just began to drink it. While I drank it I cried, because I was in love with someone who enjoyed to hurt me, because nobody understood our love-hate relationship and mostly because I knew whatever he did I wouldn't leave and that scared me.

*Harry's POV*

"Hey, Doncaster we are here with one of the biggest boybands right now, named the British-Irish invasion, making every girl nationwide cream their pants One Direction!!!!" Dj Kevin, introduced us and the small crowd of people in the studio clapped as we all said hi into the microphones.

"So, guys how are you?" He asked all of us and we all kind of smiled and turned to Liam,

"We're great, so happy to be here." He said and the guy chuckled,

"So, how do you guys like Doncaster? I heard the one of you guys are from here, which one?" Dj Kevin asked. Again we turned to Liam because Louis and him had changed identities for the day, for some weird reason they loved doing that. Liam grinned,

"That's me and yes it is great to be back in Doncaster to see the family and everything." He explained and I knew Niall was stiffling a laugh, I was in no mood for laughter. Today I felt like Zayn, quiet and mysterious. I sighed, Maddie had clearly seen the messages and she probably didn't want to see me ever again and after the concert I was going to meet Natalie at a bar.

"So guys, how do you like being on tour?" He asked and this time they all turned to me and I sighed,

"It's cool." I said and everyone in the studio looked at me, awkward silence and then Dj Kevin laughed. The guys chuckled too, probably trying to seem normal. Liam was probably going to kill me after this,

"That's all it is, cool? Not amazing, not fantastic?" Dj Kevin asked and I sighed loudly and all the guys shot me looks, like what the heck are you doing?

"Can I leave?" I asked him and he looked at me and I stared at him, then I took off my headphones and threw them on the table and walked out of the recording studio. I swallowed and leaned my head against a wall, I felt the tears fall slowly down my eyes and I brushed them off slowly. Well, was Maddie happy? I had finally sunk into the deepest sadness of all, I mean I was walking out of freaking radio interviews for her. I pulled out my phone and texted her,

'I think we need to talk'

I slid down to the ground and waited for the interview to finish, I just needed some air. Some time to breathe to be alone and think about how dumb I was. Then my phone chimed it was Maddie,

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