Chapter 12: I'm going home

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*Maddie's POV*

I felt myself coming too, and my body still felt numb. Why was I coming too? I thought being dead was like an everlasting sleep, maybe this was heaven? Or was it hell? I opened my eyes, and immidetly a burst of light made me close it again. My heart pounded in my chest, that was a pretty strong light. I opened my eyes again, cautiously and carefully. I looked down at my body, I was in a white robe, had white sheets on me. There was an IV hooked up to my arm and there was a heartbeat monitor, what was going on? I was in a hospital? Why was I at a hospital? What was going on? I immedietly felt frantic, trying to think back on what had happened, why was I here? When I tried to think back, all my head did was ache. All I could remember was screaming, crying and then there was a beach everything else was like a blank. That's when a blonde nurse walked in, she was slightly overweight but with a friendly face, she reminded of Mrs. Puff from Spongebob. She was startled when she saw I was awake.

"Maddeline, are you okay?" She asked stepping closer,

"What am I doing here?!" I asked her screaming. She jumped when I yelled. She walked closer to me and put her hand on my shoulder,

"Breathe." She instructed calmly. I stopped panicking, and breathed in and out slowly. She smiled and nodded,

"Good, now what do you remember?" She asked me and I sighed. I closed my eyes, like a huge wave it all came rushing back! The fight with Harry and my suicide attempt. I opened my eyes,

"No, no, no! I'm suppose to be dead! I'm not suppose to be here!" I yelled and she looked down at me,

"Sweetie are you okay?" She asked me and I shook my head and began to cry. It didn't work! How come it didn't work, how did I not die! This wasn't supposed to happen, I wasn't supposed to be here!

"No! No! I want to go home! I don't want to be here! Where's my parents!" I was in hysterics now and that's when all the guys, Kye and my mom came rushing into the room. By the angry look that crossed the nurse's face they weren't supposed to be here.

"Maddie!" My mom cried and in a second she was by my side. I buried my face in her stomach and started sobbing into her.

"What happened?" I asked her.Nobody answered me, so I took my face away from my mom's stomach and stared at everyone,

"What happened?" I asked. I looked into each individual face, everything was so confusing. Yes, I remembered my suicide attempt but who found me?

"I think you should rest." My mom said and I shook my head.

"No, I want to know!" I cried out and everyone seemed to sigh at the same time.

"You tried to kill yourself, and Zayn found you." My mom said and I sat there staring into their faces. I turned and looked at Zayn,

"I thought you couldn't swim." I questioned,

"I can't but I also couldn't let you die." He answered and I shook my head,

"You should've." I replied then for the first time with geing here in this hospital I looked at Harry. He had the guiltiest look on his face. He cleared his throat,

"Can I talk to Maddie alone?" He asked. Everyone looked at him with a "don't even think about it" look.

"The last time you talked to her, she ended up having a suicide attempt." My mother said crossing her arms over her chest. My mom used to like Harry, not anymore. He sighed,

"I'm sorry, I just really need to talk to her." He said and my mom looked at me,

"Will you be okay?" She asked and I chuckled,

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