Chapter 10: Lies Natalie Told

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*Harry's POV*

As soon as Maddie walked out of the room I did too. I needed to talk to Natalie, all this was her fault! Why was she doing this, we both had agreed that this was just simply fun! I knew for a fact she wasn't pregnant, I mean she couldn't be! I walked angrily through the lobby running a hand through my curls. I ran through the revolving door, pushing past screaming fans and hailing a cab. When the slightly overweight cab driver saw me his face lit up.

"Wow! You're Harry Styles! My daughters are in love with you! Can I get an autograph?" He asked pulling out a notepad and a pen from the little place where you keep things in your car. I gave him my bestest smile,

"Sure thing." I replied and wrote my name quickly on the notepad. He smiled at the autograph and looked back at me,

"Where would you like to go Mr. Styles?" He asked me,

"Telequa Lane, please." I replied and he nodded. He started up the car and I felt like dissapearing at that moment. It was great being famous and being loved and having great fans, but sometimes I wondered how it would be like if I was still that unknown boy from Holmes Chapel in White Eskimo with Maddie. I groaned and the cab driver gave me a confused look and I shot him a smile to reasure him that I was alright.

When we got to Telequa Lane I handed him 10 bucks and walked out. He waved and I waved back then turned my head to the apartments. I sighed and closed my eyes, this would be the last time I ever wanted to see or speak to Natalie.

I walked around until I found her building and walked up the stairs to her door. I swallowed then I knocked on her door. I heard feet and soon she whipped the door open. Her hair was in a bun and she was wearing makeup, she looked like she about to go out. She looked shocked to see me but smiled when she did,

"Harry, hi. What are you doing here?" She asked in a smug voice. She knew well what I was doing here. I sighed,

"Can I come in?" I asked and she grinned,

"Sure but make this quick, I have a hot date in like thrity minutes." She laughed and I rolled my eyes. I stepped inside her apartment and she walked to the kitchen,

"Want something to drink?" She asked and I shook my head,

"Natalie, you have to tell everyone you are not pregnant!" I cried and she raised her eyebrow at me,

"How do you know I'm not?" She asked me and I shrugged,

"I don't know! You just aren't!" I cried out and she started laughing. She plopped down on her couch and put on her earring,

"Sit down Harry." She said calmly. I eyed her but I sat down next to her nevertheless. She put her hand on my knee and I ruffled my eyebrows,

"What are you doing?" I asked her and she turned to me. Her blue eyes boring into me, what was she trying to do? Make me feel bad with those puppy dog eyes.

"You're right, I'm not pregnant." She said silently and I pumped my fist, then cleared my throat.

"Why would you lie? Why would you do that Natalie!" I yelled and she sighed and she rubbed her eyes.

"It's just that I'm like in love with you and Maddie visited me saying she was going to ruin your career. I decided maybe this scandal would turn the attention away from you guys, because she kept threatning me and talking all this crazy stuff like she was going to kill me. I was scared Harry and I didn't know what to do." She cried then burried her face deep in my chest. I sat there frozen. Maddie? My Maddie did that. And, since when did Natalie love me. Our relationship wasn't about love it was a friends-with-benefits relationship and nothing more.

"Are you sure uhm Maddie did this?"  I asked and she nodded vigirously, taking her face away from my chest.

"I'm so sorry Harry! I wanted to tell you but you really loved her and I don't know!" She continued to sob. Her face got wetter, her eyes got redder. I sat there, what? So Maddie was trying to sabotage me because I was cheating? Automatially, I pulled Natalie into a tight hug. I guess you really didn't know a person until they try to sabotage you.

*Maddie's POV*

"Fine Zayn I won't leave but only for you!" I cried playfully poking Zayn in the stomach and he laughed. He shrugged,

"Am I that convincing?" He asked me and I shrugged,

"Yeah, when you start looking at me with those eyes." I answered and he grinned. I had told Zayn about the talk Harry and I had and how I was planning on leaving. He convinced me to stay for him and not for Harry. We were all leaving tonight after their concert to go to Bradford their next stop. Zayn was happy because he was going to see his mom and sisters.

"So, do you think it's wrong that I'm still in love with Harry?" I asked him changing the subject. I couldn't help it, I was in love with the kid. Zayn shook his head,

"Nah, I mean you don't just get over somebody that quick. I actually don't think you'll ever stop loving him." He said to me and I gave him a strange look,

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him and he sighed,

"I mean you never stop actually loving someone. Maybe you'll forget about them but somewhere in your heart you'll always love them." Zayn explained and I stared at him then said,

"Have you ever loved someone?" He shook his head quickly and shrugged,

"I guess nobody ever interested me." He said it silently and I cocked my head at him,

"Do you like someone though?" I asked him and shook his head,

"No." I felt something in my heart breaking. Maybe something in me actually thought he was going to say to me. I crawled close to him and put my head in his lap then looked up at him.

"What did you mean about me trying to love someone else?" I asked him and he looked down at me. He shrugged,

"I dunno. I was talking crazy." He replied, but I wasn't convinced. I looked up at him,

"Explain or I'll pinch your cheeks until your face turns red." I said and he laughed. I liked it when he laughed, it was melodius.

"It's just like what people say, there are other fish in the sea. You seem like the only person you care about is Harry and you would never look for someone else." He confessed. I shrugged,

"I like other people." I said quietly and he raised his eyebrow.

"Really, like who?" He asked me. I stared at him and thought this over in my mind. Should I tell him? I mean Harry and I had just broken up but I was in love. I decided against it and said,

"Channing Tatum." Zayn looked taken back but he quickly regained and smiled,

"Right. I like him too." He replied. We stared at each other in silence for a second until Niall bursted into the room. I rolled off Zayn quickly colliding with the ground. Both guys gave me weird looks and I stood up with a smile on my face,

"I lost my contacts." I lied. Niall raised his eyebrow then shook his head. He looked at Zayn,

"Last minute concert practice we gots to go." He explained and Zayn nodded. Niall turned on his heel and walked away. He looked at me and smiled,

"Wanna come with?" He asked and I thought about it then said,

"Yeah, maybe Channing Tatum will spot me in the streets."

Author's Note: Ello Loves! Sorry if this chapter was a little slow but I didn't want Zayn and Maddie to start dating just yet. That would be too fast for my taste. And what do you think of what Natalie said to Harry! Isn't she a coniving little UGHH!! Hahha comment, vote! Check out my new friends story her wattpad name is @ArtemisSakuraRose. Read her stories Moments and Gotta Be You. My new threat is if you guys don't read it, I won't update! So go read!! Love you guys!!- Dani.

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