Chapter 3: Zayn and Maddie?

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*Maddie's POV*

I heard the boys walk in, all talking and joking. I heard all their voices except the one I wanted to kill, the one I loved and the one I wanted to die right now, Harry. I turned to the laptop in front of my face 1,000 messages with Natalie and a tape I just couldn't function, why in the world would he do that? Would he hurt me like that, make me feel so worthless and make her feel like the queen of the world. I felt my heart getting heavy as I stared at the new mesage I was reading,

Hahah, Harry are you this funny with everybody- Nat

Nope, only you babes-Harry

I swallowed and closed the laptop. Why was I so stupid! Harry of course, had a side-chick or was I the side-chick and she was the main one. I shook my head, no I couldn't think like that. Harry loved me! I felt my conscience butt in, if he loved you he wouldn't be sleeping with another girl and telling her she could kiss better then you. Another tear fell from my eyes but I wiped it away quickly and rolled out of the bed. I walked out of the room and everyone was in the kitchen so they didn't see me yet,

"The photoshoot was classic! But, the lady wanted you to impregnate her, Zayn." Louis' laughed and I heard Liam groan,

"Are you really talking about this with Niall here, Niall cover your ears."

"But-" Niall butted in but Liam interrupted him,

"Cover your ears!" He yelled and I heard Niall grumble something and Kye giggled. That's when Zayn walked out of the kitchen and walked upon me standing there, he jumped.

"You okay?" He asked me, I knew why he was asking that. I probably looked monsterous, I mean eyes bloodshot, sinuses clogged, my hair everywhere.

"Where's Harry?" I asked and he looked at me,

"Uh he left after the photo shoot." He said and I nodded. I stared at him and all I could think about was how stupid I was to think that Harry actually cared.

"Do you think he's cheating?" I asked him and he looked at me and ruffled his eyebrow,

"Do you wanna talk?" He asked me and I shrugged but truth is I did. I really wanted to talk to someone who didn't care, it really was refeshing. He seemed to sense that and put his hand out for me. I took it and we walked out of the hotel room. He opened the door to his hotel room and he looked at me,

"Sit down." He said softly then walked to the kitchen to go get something. I swallowed and rubbed my temple, what was Harry trying to prove? I didn't really understand him sometimes, it was just so damn confusing with him! Zayn walked out of the kitchen with two water bottles, he handed me one and I took it from him,

"thank you." I whispered and he sat down across from me. He looked into my eyes,

"Talk whenever you're ready." I nodded and I looked at him, studying him. Chiseled jaw, tanned skin, nice smile and everything, the fact that he was single beats me.

"I love him." I began and Zayn nodded,

"I know." He replied and I looked at him, why was I telling him this? I mean, I never trusted him with anything before why should I trust him.

"Who's Natalie?" I asked him and Zayn raised his eyebrow, like he had no idea why I was asking that question. He stared,

"I don't know who is she?" He asked innocently and I stared at him, so even Harry's friends didn't know about Natalie. Was she that secretive that even his best friends didn't know, he must really feel for her if he was going to keep her a secret. I felt something well up in my chest and I started blubbering. In a swif move, I felt Zayn come besides me and put his arms around my shoulders. I started sobbing into his shirt, he must think I was such a child.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered but he shushed me, allowing me to sob and cry and put snot on his shirt freely. He leaned back on the couch and I leaned down on him, this felt nice. Crying to someone and not caring, to a friend who wasn't judging me. In his arms I fell asleep even though my head was going to heart like hell in the morning I didn't care.

*Harry's POV*

It was 1 o' clock in the morning when I walked into my hotel room, everything was silent and still. So, Maddie hadn't went on a rampage trying to find me. I smiled, I couldn't wait to see Maddie's face when she saw these roses I got her. Even though, I had a little "special" time with Natalie I was still very much in love with her. I walked to Louis' room first and he was sound asleep, I smiled he was so cute. I grinned and walked out of his room and knocked on the door of the room I shared with Maddie, no answer. I was prepared to turn the door-knob when I thought it was locked, but to my surprise it was open. Maddie wasn't there but I saw something, my laptop. I felt my breath catch in my throat and went to the latop. I opened it quickly and saw that someone was reading my messages with Natalie, I swallowed. Oh God, Maddie. Where was she? I looked around, had she left? Okay, her bags were still there so she hadn't left. I rose up and stormed back into Louis's room,

"Louis!" I yelled and he didn't flinch, I groaned and started shaking him. He opened his eyes and stared at me,

"Harry? What are you doing?" He asked, sounding tired and slurred. I stared at him,

"Where's Maddie." I asked and he rolled his eyes and groaned,

"With Zayn, now get out and let me sleep!" He yelled, waving his hands dismissing me prbably. He grabbed his pillow and threw it over his head. Zayn? Why was she with Zayn. I stormed out of our room and went into Zayn, Niall and Liam's room. I stalked right into Zayn's room where I knew he was all alone. I opened the door and right there was a shirtless Zayn, asleep with my girl curled up in his arms. I felt my hands clench up, he was not going to take her from me!

Author's Note: Harry's so dumb! Just writing this made me angry, he clearly cheated. What do you guys want to happen next, comment and I used Triccia12_1D_XO's idea a little, but thanks for anyone who actually commented much love- Dani xx.

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