Chapter 18: Seeing her again

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*Maddie's POV*

"So, this is my dorm." I said to Peter, as we got closer to my dorm room. He had walked me to here after Math class, I had told him he didn't have too but he insisted. Peter and I had been spending alot of time together, considering we had Theatre class together it was easy to see him everyday. I was also slowly falling for this brown-haired boy, with the prominent jaw-line and the brown eyes that seemed to stare into me.

"So, it is. Hey, Maddie I was meaning to ask you a question." He said and I bit my lip, was he going yo ask me out? I mean, I did really like him but I also didn't want to move on to fast.

"Yes?" I asked and he started digging out something out of his pockets. He showed me two tickets to the One Direction performance. I stared at them and hoped that he was not going to ask me to go to this One Direction performance with him.

"I really don't know if you like them, but half this school's population is going to be there and I kind of like spending time with you." He said and I stared at him. He was so sweet! After being with Harry it was hard to imagine someone was actually sweet to me. I was getting a chance to spend time with him and who carea if it was my ex-boyfriend's band? I was done putting Harry up on a pedastal, this was my life and I did what I wanted too and it would be nice to see the other guys again.

"Sure, I'd love too Peter." I said, and he smiled at me. We stood awkwardly for a little bit but then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. He smelled really nice like expensive cologne. When we were done hugging I kissed him on the cheek and waved good-bye then walked inside, with every kind of happy, nervous and jittery feeling in my stomach. I wanted to throw up, out of happiness... weird. Natalie was on her bed in leg warmers, tights, and a loose-fitting shirt. She reminded me of a 90's dancer from dirty dancing.

"Why are you blushing?" She asked me, she was studying her Science book. It was surprising and I still couldn't believe it but Natalie was smart! She knew things that I had never even heard of.

"Peter asked me to the One Direction performance next week." I said and she looked up at me and raised her eyebrows at me.

"Uh, I know it's not my business but I think you should tell Peter you dated Harry. You do not want this to blow up in your face later." She said and I looked at her,

"What do you mean? Harry and I are done." I replied and she nodded as she sat up,

"Yes, but does that mean you don't love him?" She asked me and I stared at her without saying anything. She was right,  Peter didn't deserve that.

"I'll tell him after the performance." I explained and she raised her eyebrow then smiled,

"I got a tattoo!" She cried.

~~1 week later~~ 

"It's today!! Their coming today!" A girl in the pavillion squealed to her friends. I looked up, she was blonde and she was talking to her friends, red-faced and everything. It was amazing how I just kept a low-profile and nobody noticed me, it was amazing. I looked back down at the book I was reading, "To Kill A Mockingbird" one of my favorite books. I felt someone's hands cover my eyes. I looked up immedietely and found a smiling Peter. He sat down next to me,

"Hey, wheres Natalie?" He asked me and I shrugged,

"Somewhere with Blake. What are you doing here?" I asked him and he smiled,

"Came to see you. We're still on for tonight, right?" He asked me and I grinned and nodded. It was so cute how quirky and awkward he was,

"Of course! Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked him and he shook his head,

"I was at home ec and my science partner burned our microwave so I was excused. Are you in study hall right now?" He asked me and I nodded. That's when the bell rang signeling the end of this period. He stood up and kissed me on the forehead and grinned,

"Well, I'll pick you up tonight I gotta go!" He cried then he bolted so he wouldn't be late for class. I stared after him and stood up too, hooking mhy bag on my arm. I stared after him and thought to myself, maybe it wasn't so hard to get over Harry Styles.

*Harry Styles*

"Okay guys, this is your first school performance. I need you guys to know these girls might be a little crazy, so just keep your cool. If this goes right we can do many more." Paul explained to us as we sat down on the tour bus. I had my arms draped over Kathy's shoulder.

"So, are you guys ready for this? You pumped?" Paul asked a little to enthusiastically, we all laughed at him and he grinned. Louis stood up and kissed Paul on the cheeks than said,

"Yes daddy." We all chuckled and then the bus came to a halt. We all plastered our faces on the window and looked at the school, it was huge! It was like two stories and kids bustled everywhere. As soon as our tourbus stopped in front of the school girls stopped and started screaming. I grinned and put my arm around Zayn's shoulder and smiled,

"This is amazing mate!" I said and he nodded but he looked like he was holding something back, something important. I didn't want to push it, Zayn was a good and honest person he would tell me when he was ready. Liam walked out first with Niall following closely behind, then Zayn and Louis and I walked out together arms around each other just to get these girls in a frenzy, it was fun. Kathy followed behind and grabbed my hand, probably telling all the other girls to back off. We hugged and took some pictures with some fans until a lady who looked really strict walked up to us.

"One Direction, follow me." She said and we all looked at each other and did as we were told. She was short but she looked like if I talked she would whack me with a ruler so I said nothing. She led us to this backstage place, where there was nobody except a couple of stage-hands who would handle our lighting.

"I'm professor Gina and we are so happy your are here but our girls and some of our boys can get kind of rowdy, we didn't want anything to happen." She said and Louis draped his arms over her shoulder,

"Oh come on professor G, lighten up." She looked down at his hand on her shoulder and shot him a death glare, he quickly took it off and all of us stiffled laughs.

"As I was saying, there are many people waiting out there for you to give em a show. Do not disspaoint." She warned and we nodded slowly. She walked onstage and we heard her talking to the kids as we took our places then we heard our cue,

"Without further adue everybody, the one, the only, One Direction!!!" The cheers that errupted out of these college kids were only noises an animal could make. I gave Kathy one last look and she gave me a thumbs up and I did the same to her. Then, the curtains drew and we were staring into the faces of screaming girls and yes a couple of boys. Our anthem that everyone knew, "What Makes You Beautiful" started and Liam jumped into his chorus,

"You're insecure, don't know what for..." and so on. I started singing my part, even touching fans hands having fun with it. As soon as we started the chorus though I stopped. I saw her! Maddie! She was standing in the middle of all these cheering fans and girls with signs, she was standing there next to... wait a second was that Natalie? And a boy had his arms around her waist and she was slightly leaning on him, just watching me. What the heck! I turned to the boys who were giving me crazy looks and they looked out and saw her too. While Zayn was singing his part in the song he walked towards me and whispered in my ear,

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Maddie goes to this school."

Author's Note: Hahah, Oh Zayn. What do you guys think is going to happen in the next chapter and I am so in luv with Peter! He's such a sweetie! Comment and vote, darlings!!

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