Chapter 15: Meet Peter

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*Maddie's POV*

"Look, Maddie I know we don't like each other but you're going to have to get used to this arragment." Her shrill voice said. She had her hands on her hips and she was sneering at me, I rolled my eyes. Out of all the people in the world I could be sharing a room with fate decided to put me with the she-devil herself. The "her" I was referring to was Natalie. I was so looking forward to college until right now. As soon as I saw her, I walked out and called Zayn. I hadn't called Zayn in a month but I just wanted to ask him what I should do. He put me on hold for a long time which was odd but then he said that I should try to get along with her and if that doesn't work just ignore her. I hated thinking of getting along with her but she was part of my past with Harry so that means the hate I had for her had to somehow disappear. In rolled my eyes and nodded,

"You're right, Natalie." I said slowly and she rolled her eyes then she turned around and jumped on top of her bed. On the other side of the room was a closet, a well-made bed and that was pretty much it. Natalie looked like she had everything set up on her side, with a computer and a bean-bag chair and everything. I put my luggage on the bed and opened it. As soon as I started unpacking a picture of Harry and I fell out. I inhaled sharply and Natalie looked up,

"What is it?" She asked me. I didn't answer and she stood up and walked towards me. She looked down on the picture that was on the ground. I was smiling and Harry was kissing me on the cheek. She picked it up and examined it,

"He really loves you." She said still looking at the picture. I didn't answer and she looked up at me and smiled,

"Look Maddie. I know I was with Harry whenever you were with him but I knew he was guilty doing it. The kid is crazy in love." She explained handing me the picture. I shook my head,

"Why would you do it?" I asked her and she plopped down on her bean-bag chair,

"Because, I wanted to be involved with someone famous, no matter who I had to hurt. I'm really not a bad person." She answered. I rolled my eyes,

"I bet you aren't." I replied and she chuckled. I went back to unpacking and we were both silent then she stood up and said,

"When I first met Harry he said you were the girl he wanted to marry." She explained and I whipped around, facing her.

"Look, I really didn't come here to be reminded of Harry everywhere I went okay? Maybe you don't get it but I'm trying to move on!" I hissed angrily at her. She rolled her eyes,

"You can't run away from him you know." She replied and I scoffed,

"I'm not running, I'm moving on!" I yelled and she laughed. When she laughed you could see her tongue ring, that was just sitting there. I really wanted to pull it out and shut her up.

"Oh really, so that's why you can't stand hearing his name, get angry when people mention him, that's an awesome way to move on." She commented. I stared at her, since when did this blonde bimbo have a brain?

"How did you even get into Cambridge?" I asked her and she giggled. She walked over to her drawer and pulled out a paper. She handed it to me. It was her grades and her IQ. She had a... 180 IQ score! I stared at it with my mouth open, she was a freaking genius!

"You're smart?" I asked her and she laughed,

"What does the paper say?" She asked, taking it away from my hands and putting it back in her drawer. I stared at the blonde in front of me and I realized she wasn't anything like I thought, she most certainly wasn't an idiot and it didn't seem like she hated me.

"Do you miss him?" I asked her and she looked up at me,

"Who Harry? Of course not! Harry meant nothing to me." She explained and I stared at her. She grinned at me,

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