Chapter 25: The confession and the proposal

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Author's Note: This is gonna be one of the longest chapters guys, so hope you like it!

*Maddie's POV*

I sat on the couch by myself watching reruns of the Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. If you're wondering why I was by myself it was because the boys had some kind of radio interview and I really didn't want to hear things I had already heard. The photoshoot yesterday was cool, the boys had to keep changing and rearanging. My mind was on Zayn. He was being such a douche yesterday at Harry and me, everytime we would kiss or say something cute to each other. It pissed me off! I mean Zayn was my friend, it wasn't like he was single or anything so the fact that he was being an ass was a mystery to me.

That's when I heard the door knock so I stood up. I opened the door to see Zayn standing there, I raised my eyebrow.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the radio interview?" I asked him and he nodded,

"It's done. The other guys stayed back a little, I came here becase I need to talk to you." He explained. I opened the door a little wider so he could walk in. He looked around like he had never been here but him and the boys were practically here everyday.

"Sit. You want something to drink?" I asked trying to be polite even though I was pissed at him. He shook his head,

"No thanks. I just really need to talk to you." He explained as he sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him and turned off the TV. He looked at me for about a minute, like he was thinking about what to say.

"You love Harry right?" He asked me and I blinked at him, what kind of dumb question was that?

"Of course I do." I explained and he nodded. He sighed and muttered something under his breath,

"Look Maddie, all I want to know is why? I mean, he's hurt you, everything bad that has happened to you is related to him somehow but you keep coming back! Harry's my friend yes but there are other boys out there who would really like to be with you, without hurting you!" He yelled and I scooted back. Why was he yelling at me? What the heck did I do.

"Stop yelling! First off, I love Harry because we have something you won't be able to understand and who? Who would want to be with me without hurting me?!" I yelled, I swallowed. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close and he kissed me!

"What the HOLY HELL!" Was the next thing I was hearing when I pushed away. I turned and saw Harry, my Harry standing there looking so betrayed. Zayn stood up,

"Harry! This is not what it looks like." I yelled and I sounded so pathetic, even though it wasn't what it looked like.

"I'm going to go." Zayn said and he grabbed his jacket and walked out. I stood there looking at Harry who looked like he was about to cry.

"Baby." I whispered and he turned away and walked towards the room. I swallowed and ran after him and grabbed his arm. He turned around to face me,

"What was that? Maddie, are you cheating on me!? Are you trying to get back at me for what I've done to you? How many times do I have to apologize!" When Zayn yelled it was disturbing but when Harry yelled it was scary, because he became very loud. I swallowed,

"He kissed me. I was trying to push away but he was too strong, you have to believe me." I explained, desperation deep in my voice.

"I think I need to be alone for a couple of minutes." He explained and I shook my head,

"No, you can't do this to me. Harry." I said and he looked down at me. He pushed past me and went to his bedroom, slamming the door after him. I gasped and collapsed on the floor and began to sob. How could this happen to me? Everything was going so great and then Zayn had to come and ruin it all.

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