Chapter 13: Moving on

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I dunno why I updated so fast lolz. Anyways, I got bored. It's a Sunday, nothing happens to me on Sundays. Anyways continue reading!

*Maddie's POV*

I sat there in the car with my mom, everything passing by. I was leaving it all behind, I was getting a fresh start. It took the doctors many test and lots of medication to finally realize I didn't need to be there anymore, but they recommended me a psychiatrist and my mother thought it was a great idea. So, now I was crazy. They had given me some medication that I knew for a fact I was not gonna take. I had left Zayn a note telling him that I would miss him, because I would. I pulled out my phone and went on Twitter. I hadn't been on for a long time. Wow! People were just tweeting me horrible things. I'd get the occasional, "I love you Maddie!" but other than that it was mostly things like, "You're the reason Harry has been depressed!" or, "Just drop dead!" I quickly closed my phone and with glassy eyes stared at myself in the sideview mirrors. My hair was flat, I had bags under my eyes and I looked like a dead body. I turned to my mom,

"Do you think I'm crazy?" I asked her and she gave me a quick look,

"Maddie of course not!" She cried and I sighed. I ran a hand across my face and thought about this. So, Harry and I were done. I wish I could rewind all the way back to when Harry came back to Holmes Chapel, I would have stayed home probably. If Harry tried to talk to me I would've stood my ground and maybe stopped letting him take control of all decisions I made in my life.

"Did Trace come back?" I asked her and she shook her head,

"He's still at college, Maddie." She explained. I looked at my mom, she looked so sad. I had done that! I had made my mother sad and that hurt me. I closed my eyes and tried to think back on a time where there wasn't Harry but that was pretty much impossible. Harry was everywhere, in my thoughts. In everything I did, you couldn't get rid of him. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep until we reached the airport.

~~Two hours later~~

I breathed the Holmes Chapel air as I stepped off the airplane. My mom followed behind me and so did other people. I looked around, this was home. Somewhere I was safe, away from anything or anyone who made me cry. My dad was in his car waiting for us and I ran up to him and he wrapped his arm around me,

"I'm going to kill that boy." He grumbled and I chuckled and pulled away from my father,

"Please don't." I said and my father gave me a sad look as he looked me up and down. He was probably wondering what happened to his little girl.

"Are we just going to stand here?" I asked trying to brighten the mood. My dad gave me a small smile and opened the door. I stepped inside and put on my seatbelt.

"So, besides the accident how was the trip?" My father asked me. I looked up at him and sighed,

"It was a suicide attempt dad not an accident. It sucked." I said bitterly. I realized that came out harsh but I didn't want people to best around the bush around me. My father cleared his throat,

"So, do you plan on going to college than?" He asked me and I looked at him. College. I had actually forgotten all about it. I had turned 18 months ago and I was accepted to Cambridge and Oxford. Maybe this was what I needed, a safe place where barely anyone knew me, unless they stalked One Direction but nobody would ambush me.

"Do you think they'll accept me late?" I asked my father and he nodded,

"Cambridge yes, Oxford no." He answered and I smiled,

"I think I'll go to college." I said and both my parents smiled at each other. I sighed, a fresh start. Cambridge here we go!

*Harry's POV*

The first concert at Bradford was CRAZY!! Girls everywhere, one of them had stolen Zayn's varsity jacket right off his back. They also kept throwing things at us. When the concert was over we all turned to Zayn and laughed,

"You must have had real fun with the girls here." Louis said and nudged him in the ribs. Zayn nodded and gave us a mischevious look,

"Alot of fun." We all jeered and Kye came in between us,

"You guys are disgusting." She commented and Louis rubbed her head,

"Oh don't worry munchkin, Niall's trustworthy. Well, when it doesn't come to food, he'll steal your food in a second." We laughed and Niall turned pink. I smiled at all the guys and excused myself and went to my little dressing room. I pulled out my phone and dialed Maddie's number. I got her voicemail,

"Hey! Maddie and Harry here! Harry stop touching my hair, I'm trying to record this! Haha, you're crazy! Anyways leave a message!" I felt my chest get heavy. She still had that voicemail, the one we had set up together.

"Uh Hey Maddie. Just finished our first show in Bradford, it was fun but I kind of wished you were there. Erm I don't want to uh rant just wanted to say uh I miss you and erm I think Zayn does too." I said then hung up. I didn't know if she wasn't picking up on purpose or did she really not have her phone with her.

"You okay?" I heard a voice come from behind me. I jumped and turned around. It was my hair stylist that was 18, Kathy.

"Fine." I said and she looked down at the phone in my hand.

"I'm sure she misses you, too." She said and I chuckled. Kathy and I had never talked before, so the fact that she was talking to me now shocked me.

"I doubt it." I replied and she sighed,

"If she loves you she does." She laughed and I smiled at her. She didn't have an accent so she wasn't from here, she had an American Accent.

"I uh don't think she loves me anymore." I replied and she shrugged.

"I've read about you guys online, it seems like she loves you." She replied and I laughed,

"Don't believe everything you here." I replied and she nodded. I was about to leave until she cried out,

"Wait!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around,

"Yes?" I asked her. She smiled at me,

"You want to go grab some late night starbucks with me?" She asked me and I raised my eyebrows at her,

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked her playfully and she stiffled a giggle trying to look as serious as possible,

"I promise I'm not." She replied and I looked back out where the guys were still chatting with Kye and a couple of fans who were there. I looked back at Kathy and sighed,

"Why not?" She smiled and grabbed my arm and I walked out with her. Maybe, a couple of Lattes were what I needed to get away from Maddie. And Kathy didn't seem seductive or easy like Natalie she actually seemed sort of nice.

Author's Note: So, Maddie's going to college and Harry meets Maddie. So, I was reading this story and the author gave me an idea. I'll only update this story if I get 5 votes and 5 comments with the word HarryMania in the comment! If I don't get that you don't get another chapter. This story is dedicated to Gothbarbie07 and a picture of Kathy is on the side. What do you guys think of her? Things to come: Maddie meets a new boy, who will it be?

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