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"Sorry I didn't.. change you, I thought it'd be weird and you'd get mad."

"I trust you." Nash smiled. "My pajamas are the last drawer on the right of the left wall." Nash says, referring to her walk in closet.

"Are you feeling any better?" Jesse asked, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah I had some aspirins for my head earlier."

Nash suddenly stands up and runs into her bathroom, the remainder of toast she ate this morning rising up.

"Nash what happened? Did you drink too much yesterday?"

"No I don't actually drink. It's just water, I do it all the time."

"I-I heard you and Melanie the yesterday and I know it's none of my business but..I think you should take a pregnancy test. When did it happen?"

"Like five days ago.." Nash says awkwardly, looking at her lap.

It was odd, how comfortable she was with Jesse.

She felt like she could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge her.

"Check..please. My sister Gemma just got pregnant and I know the signs.. nausea, throwing up, feeling hot then cold then nothing.."

"I'm not. He's a grown up and was super careful. Boys are serious about that stuff right?"

"Maybe he wanted you to get trap you."

"That's insane Jess. Can..can you buy me a..a pregnancy test? Please, I just I can't I feel-" yet again she throws up.

"I'll be back soon. Just..stay here."

"You're the best. Thank you, Jess."


True to his words, Jesse did come back with three pregnancy tests and a blueberry muffin.

"Here." He said, passing the food and pregnancy tests to her.

She was in different clothes now, and her hair was in a neat bun.

"Thank you so much Jess." Nash says, staring

"I'll be outside waiting for you..don't..don't stress. Everything will be fine, Nayeli." Jess says, closing the door behind him.

"Nash. You're my friend, you can call me Nash."

Nash opened each test, peeing on them with fear in her chest.

Jesse paced Nash's room back and forth, nervous for her and her future.

She was so bright..yet so careless.

"Nash? Are you okay?" Jesse asks, listening to her uncontrolled sobbing.

"No.." She sobbed after twenty minutes of solitude. "Daddy's gonna kill me."

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