Time Will Tell.

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"She's my girlfriend, dad! And I don't care what you say, I love her."

"You will not disgrace this elite family by bringing in trash to this important event."

"She's not trash-"

"She's from the west side."

"For a great philosopher, you sure are ignorant. Just because she's from the west doesn't mean she's any less human or..worthy as us. In fact, she has more soul then Claire ever will."

"She's just after your money! Claire is from our class, and she's not ugly. Go with her."

"Don't you get it? I'm not going to be bound to a love-less relationship to please you, I'm not as easy to manipulate as Nash. Jacob was an asshole to her and its all your fault she got with him in the first place!"

"Why must you always bring Nayeli into every single damn disagreement? She may not be blood but she is still your sister, watch yourself."

"What are you accusing me of, dad?" Grayson was shaking with anger, fists clenched by his side.

"Don't act innocent, I know what you did last summer."


Christmas was rolling around the corner, and so was Christmas break.

It was now December 18th, exactly two weeks since Nash discovered the gender of her baby.

"Nayeli are you almost ready?"

"Yeah, mum.." Nash says, struggling to put on her dress.

"Oh, darling, put on a corset. It'll get rid of your tummy."

"No, no Mami." Nash panics with fear but it was too late, her mother wrapped the corset around her growing stomach.

"Mom stop! Mami! I'm pregnant Mami stop it. You're hurting Daisy!"

"I knew it, I just wanted you to admit it. Put on this dress." Her mother says, throwing the green dress to her.

The dress was definitely better then the last, it was fitting on her breasts but loose and big on the bottom.

Perfect to hide her stomach.

"Wh-what? You knew?"

"You mistake me for a fool, Nayeli. I may be quiet, but I'm not stupid. Put on the dress, you're awaited downstairs by..everybody. Heels."

"No, I'm not wearing those." Nash replies, putting on flat, nude shoes.

"Fine. When do you plan on felling your father? Not that it's any of my business."

"Mommy stop, I know I made a mistake." Nash croaks, sinking into the floor of her bedroom.

She felt incomplete, she felt broken.

She had spent so many days with Zayn that time without him felt horrible.

She felt like crippling down into the ground and never coming back.

He was intoxicating, and she needed him.

"No, getting a bad grade is a mistake. You were so bright, Nash. A star. This pregnancy, this illegitimate child, is the fault in your star."

"You're right, Daisy's not a mistake. God planned her."

"God only knows what John will do. He's..I'm so disappointed, Nash. I expected better from you. Go downstairs, our guests have arrived."

For the sake of the annual D'Martinez Cancer Awareness Charity, Nash put on a brave face and smiled as she walked down the long stairs into the grand foyer.

Jesse's chocolate eyes locked with Nash's brown eyes as she walked down the long stairs, a fake smile on her face.

"Are you alright?" Jesse asked, holding Nash's left hand, his right arm around her slim waist.

He was her escort and date for the grand ball.

"And starting off for 1,000 dollars we have the-"

"I'm fine. Where's Gray?" Nash abruptly changed the subject.

"With Claire Redernic."


"Your dad."

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