4-Glances and late nights

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"Did my heart love till now?
Foreswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw
True beauty
Till this night."
- Romeo Montague.

Hermione gazed at him, sitting at his desk, hair  messed up; probably because he kept running his hands through it.
His elbows her propped up , glasses on, his tie was loose and his blazer jacket hung on the back of his chair, paper work spread out.
She walked over towards the desk, taking in deep breaths at every step she took.

Draco looked up from his frustration and sighed, lifting the glasses from his face and folding it back up.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes,"he called, smirking.

She smiled at him and stood behind, looking over his shoulder at the mess of scribbled ink and contracts.

He sat back, inviting her to take charge, she swooped down, testing if he would stare at the open v neck on her dress, he did not, surprising her.

"Well, it looks like you where doing everything correctly, until the ink pot smudged up the contract, which would've made you millions by the way.."she muttered, deep in thought.
Draco sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in self-pity.

Hermione took out her wand and began whispering charms, the ink fading away into the papers, the contract clear from smudges or ink spills of any kind.

Draco's eyebrows shot up as he stared down at the, What once was a mess, contracts.

"You'll have to re-write the signatures, but other than that, the papers are free of ink spillages".
She smiled to herself before walking towards the door.

"What spell did you use for that?"he called again, rising from his seat.

"If I'd told you, I'd have to kill you, my little secret,"she winked jokingly, pulling on the door handle before turning back to him.
"Will that be all Mr Malfoy?"

Draco smirked, biting his bottom lip, staring at her as she stood, in that dress, smiling at him, eyebrow raised.
"That will be all Madam,"he smiled, bowing in a gentleman-like manner.

Hermione curtsied politely, and laughed on her way out of the door and towards her desk, where she leaned back, smiling to herself and started on the stack of paperwork she had to sort out.

At twelve, Hermione opened her bag and pulled out the packed lunch she had made herself the night before.
She opened the clasp and was greeted with the smell of freshly handmade bread.
She took out her tuna sandwich and bit into it, holding up a letter to her eyes, reading and placing it down on top of another to staple together later, then taking a large drink of her coffee.

Draco suddenly appeared out of his office, glancing at her, smirking, and then walking down the hall towards the elevators.
He took one last glance at her, before the doors closed, and he was taken towards the cafeteria.
Hermione laughed to herself as she  took another bite of her sandwich and pressed the stapler into the paper.

When Draco had come back, Hermione was sorting out the papers, she glanced up at him, who smirked and winked, closing the door to his office.

She let out a breath that she didn't even know she was holding and exhaled, her mouth forming a perfectly shaped "o".

She stood from her desk, carrying the huge stack of organised papers and nudged open the door with her back, walking in and taking a chance that her feet knew where she was going;
The stack covering most of her head.

Draco rushed over, taking the pile in his strong chiselled arms and smiled her face that was no visible.

"Fin... finished the papers for you, Mr Malfoy," She stuttered, wiping her sweaty hands on her dress as he placed them down on his desk.

He turned to her, his pearly white teeth forming a wide grin, as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Enjoy That sandwich Granger?"He asked, an eyebrow raised.

"What a peculiar question, but I did, thank you"she smiled, head up high, nose in the air.
Draco chuckled and leant against the desk, gazing at her face, and not her body.

"Well, if that would be all sir,"she continued, stiffening at some strange kind of tension that hung in the air.

She walked out of his office, flustered and sat back at her desk, making soothing breathing movements with her hands and closing her eyes, before moving onto another pile of paperwork.


Draco walked out of his office, tired, before noticing a very exhausted Hermione Granger scribbling down notes in a large notebook.
"Granger?" He called, his throat scorched.

She looked up, bags under eyes.


"Granger, it's two in the morning , the time you where supposed to leave was nine o'clock,"
She looked up at him, speechless, before stuffing everything into her bag and jumping out of her seat, flustering and panicking.

He stared , wide eyed at her as she muttered things, an uneasy look on her face.

"Granger, granger calm down, it's fine!"

"No no no it's not fine, because I have to go to work early in the morning, crookshanks will need feeding-I- was-supposed-to-see-Ginnybuttheyarrivedhomelateyesterdaybecauseshewentintolaborandiwassupoosdtobethereforherandiwashereandnowiwontgetpayedfortheextrahoursandimsotired!!"she cried, slumping down in her chair, defeated, tears pooled in her glossy hazel golden eyes.

Draco took her bag in his hand, and took hers, before apperating into his apartment.

"Don't worry, I'll pay you for the extra hours, I'll feed Crookshanks, and I'll tell Weaslette
Was happened, okay?"He sighed, placing her gently on his couch, and putting the bag on the kitchen counter.

She muffled a sleepy "mmmhmmm" Before closing her eye lids and falling into a deep sleep.

Draco watched her, smiling absentmindedly, before mentally slapping himself and walking into the bathroom, peeling off his clothes that stuck tightly to his muscled form, and jumping into the shower.

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