Chapter 5

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I found myself into a town. It busy and people were everywhere. People push and shoved each other.

Where was I?

I looked for the royal carriage but it was no where to be found.

A lady with a basket full of food caught my eye. "Excuse me mam,where am I?". She looked at me as if I had just grown two heads before she started walking away. "MAM,PLEASE" but she wouldn't stop. She increased her speed."WILL ANYONE HELP ME!" I felt my body getting hot with rage. My body shook and I clenched my teeth.

My anger was unbearable. I felt like I was about to explode.

Then fire erupted from my fingers. A ring of fire surrounded me as ever thing burned. Screams filled the air. But I was so mad it felt so good. I felt the weight from my shoulder lighten.


Why couldn't I stop? I was hurting everyone. I needed to stop. But how?

Smoke and spark filtered the air. I listened for screams but heard none.

The fired died and I found myself surrounded by ash and charred bodies.

When I awoke from my nightmare I was in my brothers arms.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm here" Mark said in hushed voice.

He rocked me in his arms. "Thenied I'm a monster Thenied." I had never been so scared in my life.
"no your not,you're my little sister." Tears ran down My face. My brother never left my side. When I woke the next.Morning he still held me like a baby. What would it be like without him when I left home?

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